Rock Chick Rescue(126)

My mouth dropped open.

“Five minutes! What? Are you going to time me?”

“Yep,” he said.

Al right. So I’d programmed new friends in my phone and went ahead with this branding business without a fight.

There was only so much a girl could take.

Maybe there was something between Eddie and me and maybe I’d be stupid not to explore it. But I had bad guys to track down, first and foremost, my f**king father. I couldn’t spend the day in Eddie’s bed.

At least, that was what I was tel ing myself was my excuse. Not that I was scared shitless of being bad in bed and disappointing him. Or worse, being truly happy for the first time in my life and having it not last.

I pul ed out the glare again. It wasn’t working but I’d keep trying.

“You can’t make me go to bed with you.”

The dimple came out and one of his hands dipped down and went under my t-shirt, making a bee-line for my breast while he said, “Chiquita, I won’t have to make you.” He cupped my breast and my lips parted when his warm hand held its weight.


Damn, damn, damn.

“I real y don’t like you,” I told him.

“Cal your Mom,” he said, his hand leaving my breast and trailing down my side to my back.

I cal ed Trixie and shoved the entire bottom of the muffin in my mouth. Eddie didn’t let me go but I heard him chuckle.

I continued with The Glare. It might not work but it made me feel better.

“Hel o?” Trixie answered.

“Trixie?” I said through a mouth of muffin.

“Jet? Is that you?”

I swal owed, painful y.

“Yeah, how’s everything?”

“Groovy tunes. Your Mom and I just got back from IHOP

and we’re thinking about hitting Target. You need anything?”

I tried to think of a list of things I needed. Not one thing came to mind.

“No,” I replied, dejected.

“You home?” Trixie asked.

I looked at Eddie. He was watching my mouth move.

“I’m with Eddie.”

“Good. Have a great day. We’l see you at 5:30.”

“Right,” I said. “Can I talk to Mom?” But she’d already disconnected.