Rock Chick Renegade(23)

“Jules? This is May. I know it’s early, hon, sorry. Listen, do you know where Sniff and Roam are? Their beds have been slept in but they’re gone…”

My body froze for a nanosecond then I pulled away from Vance, rolled, came up on my knees, my ass again on my calves and I snagged the phone.

“May?” I said into the phone, slightly breathless.

May was a volunteer at the Shelter. She worked more than most of the paid staff. She was a sweetheart and a soft touch, but she hid it just enough so the kids wouldn’t walk all over her.

“Hey hon,” May said into my ear. “You sound like you were running.”

“No, just… never mind,” I said, not about to explain it. “What’s up with Sniff and Roam?”

“They’re not here. Thought you might know something. The kids are talking but not straight out. We think something is happening, or has happened, and we’re a little concerned.”

I closed my eyes and dropped my head.

Then I took a deep breath to calm my heart and mind and said, “I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

“Okay, hon. See you when you get here.”

Then she disconnected. I put the phone back and turned my eyes to Vance.

He was on his side, up on an elbow watching me.

“Sorry. Gotta go,” I said.

And before he could respond, I scooted to the end of the bed and, not using the steps, jumped to the ground, landing lightly on my feet. I headed straight to the kitchen.

I went to the table, pulled my cell out of my purse, found Roam’s number and called it. It rang to no answer and Vance walked into the kitchen, stopped, leaned a hip against the counter and crossed his arms on his chest, watching me while I left a message.

“Roam, you get this message, you call me immediately. Got me?”

Then I hit the off button and scrolled to Sniff’s number.

“You gonna share?” Vance asked.

I kept my eyes on him while I listened to the phone ring. What I didn’t do was share.

Sniff didn’t pick up either, so I left the same message.

I flipped the phone shut, threw it on my purse and headed to a cupboard. Boo was circling my feet, oddly absent during the bed area frolicking, he was now ready for breakfast and told me so repeatedly. I got out his wet food, got out one of his bowls and made him breakfast.

Vance watched me and I was acutely aware that I was only wearing my nightie.

Though, considering he had his tongue in my mouth and his hands on my ass (and elsewhere), being prudish about the nightie seemed a bit silly.

“Jules,” Vance called after I’d put the food down.

I headed out of the room, right passed him.

“I’m going to King’s,” I informed him, walked down the hall and went to the closet in my living room. I pulled out a pair of jeans and yanked them on under my nightie.

I had them zipped and buttoned when a hand curled around my upper arm and I was shifted and pressed into the wall. Then Vance got into my space, seriously into my space, head bent close to mine.

“We were in the middle of something,” he told me, like I didn’t already know that and wasn’t trying my utmost to forget it.

“Yeah. I know. Sorry about that,” I said airily, like it was all the same to me (even though it was not) and his eyes flashed dangerously at my tone.
