Rock Chick Renegade(227)


“Yeah, Princess?”

I looked up at his face in the moonlight.

It was time.

I took a deep breath then said, “Do you want me to tell you what I think it says about me that you share my bed?”

He was looking down at me. “No,” he answered bluntly.

I blinked. “What?” I asked.

“I don’t want you to tell me.”

Well, that took the wind right out of my sails and for some reason it hurt, just a little bit (okay, so it hurt a lot). I thought he’d want to know. I wanted him to want to know and furthermore, I was ready to tell him.

Before I could hide my face and my disappointment his mouth came to mine.

“I want you to show me,” he said there.

I looked into his dark eyes, close up and even in the moonlight I knew they were burning into mine.

“Okay,” I whispered.

Then I did as he asked.

Chapter Twenty-Five

Quick Could Be Good

The phone was ringing and my eyes opened.

I knew it was the dead of night and in the nanosecond before he moved, I knew I had a big time contender for Number One Most Favorite Sleeping Position with Vance. On my belly, one leg crooked, Vance pressed into my back, leg bent into mine, arm around me.

Seriously nice

He disengaged gently and rolled away to pick up the phone.

“Yeah?” I heard, pause, “right.”

When I heard the phone hit the cradle, I turned. “What was that?”

Vance’s arms came around me and he settled on his back, me in his side (just for your information, I liked this as a cuddle position but it was in the lower half of the top five as a sleeping position).

“They got Shard.”

Hallelujah, I thought.

“No more panic button?” I asked.

“You keep the panic button.”

My head came up. “Why?”

“Humor me.”
