Rock Chick Renegade(223)

I’d just made a decision.

Even when this was all over, I wasn’t going back on the street. Too many people cared about what happened to me and they would get hurt if I got hurt.

With one look at me Daisy knew I’d come to my decision. She smiled and gave me an approving wink. Then she came forward and pulled May away from me.

“Let’s get you your roast beef sandwich,” she said, guiding May away.

Everyone followed.

“I’m first up,” Duke said, pointing at me before he left.

I rolled my eyes (just for show) and when I was done with my eye roll, Vance was there.

His arm went around my neck and he pulled me to him. “Thinkin’ something big just happened there,” he said, looking down at me.

“Yeah,” I whispered.

“Wanna share?”

I shook my head but I said it anyway. “I’m giving up the street.”

Vance’s body went tense. “For good?” he asked.

“For good,” I answered.

It was his turn to close his eyes but as with everything Vance, he did it better than me. In closer proximity, he dropped his forehead to mine, opened his eyes again to look into mine and breathed out on a quiet sigh, “Good.”

“You think Lee would let me go out with the boys every now and again, keep my skills sharp?” I tried.

He lifted his forehead from mine and shook his head. “I’m thinkin’ Lee might think you’re a distraction.”

I was afraid of that.

Then I asked the all important question.

I stared deep into his eyes and whispered, “Do you think Park would understand?”

His arm went from around me and his hands came to either side of my face. “Yeah.”

I nodded.

Then I let my body relax into his, his arms went around my waist and I tucked the side of my face into his throat.

“What’s this about knittin’ sweaters for me?” Vance asked.


* * * * *

My bed moved when Vance got in it.

Normally I figured I would have slept through this and I had no idea why I didn’t. It could have been the covers moving as Vance slid between them, Vance’s heat hitting me or him pulling my back into his front and his body making contact with mine from shoulders to heels.

He settled into me silently, I settled into him the same way.

After awhile he said quietly against the back of my neck, “How’d it go?”

I knew he meant my evening. “Weird,” I whispered back.