Rock Chick Renegade(205)

About ten minutes after Vance left from lunch came call number one, Indy. “Hey, what’re you doin’ tonight?”

“I have to go to the mall,” I told her. “Vance made me leave my lotion and stuff at his house so I need to double up on toiletries.”

“That is so cool!” she shouted so loud I had to take the phone away from my ear.

“Um… you want to come to the mall?” I asked.

“Wish I could celebrate doubled toiletries but I’m meeting a couple of friends of mine, Andrea and Marianne at The Hornet. Want to pop around there after the mall, have a drink? They’d love to meet you and we can toast the toiletries. Or are you out with Vance?”

“Vance has an uncertain schedule tonight,” I explained. “He’s gonna come to my place whenever he’s done. I’m thinking about going out and crackin’ heads later anyway. Probably shouldn’t have impaired judgment.”

Or more impaired than normal.

Indy laughed. “Probably not.”

“Um…” I hesitated again, “did you ever double up on toiletries with Lee?”

“Negative, sister,” she replied, “I moved in with him the first night we were together, kind of.”

“Wow,” I whispered.

“I know,” she said. Then she giggled then for some strange reason I giggled too.

About an hour before leaving work came call number two, Jet. “Hey, what’re you doing for Thanksgiving?”

Something felt funny in my belly, not exactly the flutter, something else, a flutter mixed with a whoosh of happiness. This was because I was hoping I’d be spending Thanksgiving with Nick and Vance and that would be cool.

“I don’t know,” I told her.

“Well, Eddie and I are going to Eddie’s Mom, Blanca’s house and since Mom and Tex are together, he and Mom are coming and since Tex is Roxie’s uncle, she and Hank are coming and since Ally is Hank’s sister, Ally and Hank’s parents are coming. Blanca asked me to ask you if you, Vance and Nick want to come.”

“I’ll have to ask Vance and Nick.”

“Okay, let me know. Eddie and I are going over there for dinner tonight so just give me a ring.”

“Cool,” I said then, “um… Jet?”


“Vance asked me to leave my lotion and stuff at his place this morning.”

“That is so cool!” she shouted.

I grinned at the phone. “Did you ever double up on toiletries with Eddie?” I asked. “One set for his place, one set for yours?”

“No. Didn’t have to do that. I moved in with Eddie after a few days and never moved out.”


What was it with these guys?

I was heading to the mall when call number three came, Daisy. “Hey Sugar. What’s shakin’?”

“I’m on my way to the mall,” I told her. “Vance said to leave my lotion and stuff at his house so I’m doubling up on toiletries.”

“That is so cool!” she shouted.

I started laughing.