Rock Chick Renegade(179)

“Maybe you should write out directions.”

* * * * *

The Powwow was at Fortnum’s at five thirty. I got there late and the crowd had already assembled. It included May, Daisy, Roxie, Jet, Indy, Ally, Tod, Stevie and for some bizarre reason Tex.

Tod and Stevie I could understand. Tex seemed like curry powder sprinkled on an ice cream sundae.


I sat down while everyone watched me all of them grinning but no one saying a word.

“It seems there was a misunderstanding,” I started.

Lots of nods.

“I thought we were breaking up. Vance thought we were making up. Then he decided to give me some space because things were too intense.”

More nods, grins turning into smiles.

“Seems you don’t have sex four times while breaking up and saying good-bye,” I went on.

Mouths dropped open except Daisy who emitted a tinkly bell laugh.

“Vance tells me that’s more of a making-up kind of thing to do,” I informed them.

Everyone looked at each other and I thought I heard Ally give a snort of amusement.

“This morning, my Rottweiler took a hike,” I went on.

The smiles disappeared and faces turned confused.

I took in a deep breath and told them about my emotional Rottweiler and his disappearance and even told them about my cute, new, cuddly, squirmy pug puppy.

The smiles came back.

“Last night, I made out with Luke,” I continued.

The smiles vanished again.

“And, kind of, the night before.”

Eyes bugged out.

“Holy crap,” Indy finally spoke.

“What’s he like?” Roxie asked.

I just looked at her. She took one look at my face which obviously said a thousand (good) words and when her hand went up to her throat it was shaking.

I carried on. “Vance wired my house, put cameras in to keep an eye on me and protect me. He was working the surveillance room last night. He saw the whole thing.”

“Jesus, sweet Lord in heaven,” May whispered.

“I’d just taken down a furry pimp, some guy who skipped bond and two of his girls, taser and hand-to-hand. Luke and Ike didn’t need to lift a finger. After it was over, I was kind of… jazzed and I’m guessing so was Luke,” I explained, “and anyway, I thought Vance and I were over.”

More nods.

“The time before, well… it just happened. Still, I thought Vance and I were over or no way.”