Rock Chick Renegade(110)

Lee nodded then his eyes cut to me. “Let’s go.”

I got up and followed Vance in order to leave the room, Lee followed me.

Before we got to the door, Darius addressed me for the first time and called, “Law.”

I turned and looked at him. He stared at me, his face blank. I stared at him the same way.

Then he said, “Tye’s my nephew.”

This news hit me like a physical blow. It was a miracle I didn’t stagger back but somehow I found the internal strength and kept myself under control.

Again, I just nodded but didn’t say a word.

Lee’s hand went to my back and with a gentle push, he moved me forward.

Without a word, we left the bar. Vance and I got on his bike and Lee got in his Crossfire.

Vance flicked two fingers at Lee, I put my arms around Vance’s middle and we shot off.

* * * * *

Vance parked close to the backdoor of my house and we got off the bike. He grabbed my hand and started toward the house but I stopped him with a jerk on his hand. When he turned his eyes to me, I realized I was trembling.

“What just happened?” I whispered.

“We’ll talk inside.”

“It was important, wasn’t it?”

“Jules,” Vance said softly, “let’s get inside.”

Then he tensed and his head swung to the side of the house, his eyes narrowing. Lee materialized out of the darkness. I stared at him as he walked to us, straight to us, straight to me.

My body went solid, my hand tightened in Vance’s but Lee stopped, close, leaned in, wrapped a hand around the back of my head and pulled me to him. He kissed my forehead, let me go and then just as fast as he got there, he was gone.

I didn’t realize I was holding my breath and I let it out in a rush.

“It was important,” I whispered to the darkness.

Chapter Thirteen

My List

I let us in. Vance locked the door behind us and unarmed the beeping alarm then rearmed it for windows and doors. Throughout this he never let go of my hand.

Boo pranced into the kitchen, took one look at us and let loose with news of his day and his dissatisfaction at the wait to get his treats.

Vance murmured, “Quiet, cat.”

Boo, surprisingly, ceased meowing (though, he did it with a kitty pouty face).

Vance curled me into his body and his arms went around me tight.

I didn’t resist this. I told my Rottweiler to hush because I needed this just this once, just this time.

I put my arms around him, pressed my face into his neck and held him back. Slowly, I felt his strong, warm body absorb my trembles until they were gone.

Vance’s phone rang. He ignored it and kept hold of me.