Rock Chick Renegade(103)

This was met with silence.

“Though, Tex did offer me tear gas and grenades,” I shared.

“Jesus Christ,” Hank muttered under his breath.

“Don’t take him up on it,” Eddie said straight out.

I stared. “I thought he was joking,” I murmured.

“Fuck.” It was Eddie’s turn to mutter under his breath.

Before anyone could say anything else, Indy walked up to us, burrowing in between Eddie and Hank.

“Hey guys.” She smiled then she looked between the three of us, felt the tension and her smile faded. “What’s going on?”

“Nothing,” I said immediately. “So, is it cashews or macadamia nuts?”

She looked at me. “Cashews. It’s always cashews and you aren’t fooling anyone.” Her eyes flashed between Eddie and Hank. “You two, back off.”

“Stay out of it Indy,” Eddie said.

“You stay out of it. This is Jules’s deal,” Indy returned.

“Indy –” Hank started but Indy cut him off.

“Excuse me but wasn’t it you that went ballistic when Roxie was kidnapped? Lee nearly had to lock you into the safe room.”

Hank’s eyes remained hard but he didn’t respond.

Indy’s gaze cut to Eddie. “As for you, you think you wouldn’t go maverick if something happened to Hector?” Indy asked Eddie.

“Hector?” I cut in.

“Eddie’s younger brother,” Indy told me.

“I’m a cop,” Eddie reminded Indy.

“You’re a cop who already doesn’t follow the rules. You’d lose your f**king mind if something happened to Hector and it could and we both know it.”

“Hector’s my brother, this kid Jules is avenging –” Eddie started.

“He meant something to her,” Indy interrupted him.

“God dammit, Indy –” Eddie carried on and Indy leaned in.

“He meant something to her,” she said quietly. “You know how it is. You already lost Darius, Eddie, and what happened to him turned you into a cop. You know.”

I watched, fascinated, as Indy and Eddie squared off.

Neither spoke. Neither moved.

I was beginning to think Indy was a bit of a head-crackin’ mamma jamma too.

I realized this could go on all night. “Oh, for goodness sakes,” I cut in, “it’s cool, we’re cool, the world is cool. Indy, do you want a drink?”

She tore her gaze away from Eddie’s and looked at me. “I can’t. Lee called. It’s time.”

Saved by the call from the badass boy.