Rock Chick Regret(96)

On the way over, I’d given Hector a blast of The Ice but he acted like I was “His Sadie” (whoever the heck that was) and not a wintry cold bitch, thus he totally ignored The Ice.

This, I had to admit, both irritated me and kind of scared me but I’d started practicing The Ice Treatment when I was eleven. Eighteen years and I’d perfected the art of The Ice Treatment. I knew if I stuck with it, I could and would deep freeze Hector.


I mentally shook my thoughts clear and said to Bex, “Yes?”

Her eyes moved to the door and back to me. “What’s going on with Hector?” she asked. “You two seeing each other?”

Even though I wanted to explain it to her, I didn’t.

Firstly, she might not get it. Secondly, she might feel like giving me a lecture and I could not deal with another lecture right now. Hector had delivered the powder room and hallway lectures and after I came down from getting ready both Buddy and Ralphie had lectured me in a g*y roommate tag-team talking to and I had to say I was up to there with well meaning lectures. Lastly, I was feeling a calm I hadn’t felt in a long time and I didn’t want anything to shatter that.

So I responded, “Kind of.”

“You been intimate?” she asked.

By the way, Bex was a pretty straightforward woman, she could be softly-softly but most of the time she cut to the chase.

I pulled my lips in, feeling the calm slip away and then replied, “Just making out a couple of times.”

It was her turn to smile. “That’s good.”

She didn’t know the half of it.

She watched my face and her smile got bigger.

“It’s not going anywhere,” I said quickly before she got the wrong idea and, at my words, her smile disappeared.

“Why not?” she asked.

I shrugged and my eyes slid away.

She pulled her chair closer but she didn’t touch me. Still, her getting closer made my gaze come back to her.

Her face was gentle. “Sadie, you know, what Ricky Balducci did to you was not an act of intimacy. It was an act of violence.”

I inhaled sharply through my nose but nodded fervently in the hopes she’d think I understood and she’d move off this particular subject.

My hopes were quickly dashed.

“What you do with someone who cares about you is an entirely different thing. It’s a good thing, giving and, hopefully, getting.” She gave me a small grin.

I nodded again and squirmed a little bit. I did not want to be talking about this. Ever.

My Mom had disappeared way before it was time to have The Sex Talk and my father never bothered. I’d had a couple of lovers, one in college, one after, both of whom I liked as much as I would allow myself to like anyone. Also, both of whom my father frowned upon and sent packing.

I knew what sex was, I’d even had good sex.

I knew what Ricky did to me wasn’t that.

Bex, unfortunately, did not have clairvoyant powers so she couldn’t read my mind and therefore she kept talking.

“It’s going to be difficult, you can get it confused but try to remember that letting someone close to you like that, letting them show you why it’s good, having that togetherness, it’s part of healing.”

“Okay,” I responded immediately.

She scooted even closer and I got the impression she wasn’t buying into what Tex would call my “bullshit”.