Rock Chick Regret(51)

Then I felt movement behind me, I started to turn but he had me.

I began to scream but a hand went over my mouth and I was yanked into his body, hand at my mouth, other arm rough around my waist.

“Sweet, sweet Sadie.” I heard crooned in my ear and, at his words, I started to tremble.

I knew that voice. It wasn’t Ricky Balducci. It was his brother, Harvey.

He was walking forward, taking me with him, talking in his Crazy Balducci Croon the whole time. “Sweet Sadie, bein’ stupid, bein’ very stupid.”

I tried to pull free, twist my head away and I made noises under his hand as loud as I could.

“Got herself protection, got herself some boys who think they can f**k with the Balduccis. Didn’t Ricky teach you nothin’?” Harvey said in my ear, still walking, pushing me forward.

My heart was beating so hard it hurt. I was twisting my head sharply at the same time struggling against his other arm.

I was no match; he had six inches and at least a hundred pounds on me.

Someone, please tell me this was not happening. Not again.

“I won’t make the same mistake as Ricky. When I’m through with you, you’re still alive, you’ll call off the boys and you’ll keep your f**kin’ mouth shut about Ricky.”

No, it seemed like it was going to happen again. Unless I could stop it.

I opened my mouth and bit into the flesh of his hand so hard I felt his blood fill my mouth. At the same time I lifted a Jimmy Choo boot and slammed the spiked heel down on his foot and immediately made a mammoth effort to twist free.

Harvey yelled out in pain, released me and I took off, spitting his blood out to the side as I did.

“You f**kin’ bitch!” he screamed in rage and in a flash he caught up with me, arm around my waist, he swung me up and around and then planted me on my feet all the while I tore at his arm with my fingernails.

I no sooner was set on the ground when something strong wrapped around my wrist.

Before I could lift my head, I was pulled free from Harvey with such force I went sailing and only stopped when I collided with something else.

I looked up to see what I collided with, ready to flee, and saw Eddie.

I didn’t flee mainly because it was Eddie but also because his arm went around my waist, not in a Harvey way, in a hold-her-before-she-falls way and he pulled me back a few steps then stopped. When he stopped, his other arm came around me and he pulled me close to his body.

I kept looking at him partially still panicked, partially so relieved I could cry that this episode with a Balducci had a different ending than the last one. Then I saw Eddie’s face was scary stony and his eyes were locked on something beyond us.

I looked at that something.

Hector had Harvey Balducci pinned against the brick wall with nothing but his hand at Harvey’s throat. Lee was standing two feet behind and beside him. Harvey was gagging and trying to tear at Hector’s hand, kicking out uselessly with his feet. It was not just gagging; it was eyes bugging out, face getting purple, life flashing before your eyes gagging.

I stood, my heart thundering, and tried to get my thoughts in order.

Then my thoughts came into order and I realized that Hector was strangling Harvey. Not only that but Eddie and Lee weren’t doing a thing to stop him. Not one thing.

Visions of Hector wearing prison blues filled my head and he didn’t look half as good in prison blues as he did in those jeans and that skintight t-shirt.

The visions spurred me into action and I pulled against Eddie’s arms but they went solid.

“Stop!” I shouted.

Neither Hector nor Lee looked at me. I struggled against Eddie’s hold but he held on tight.

“Stop! Stop it! Stop!” I screeched.

Then I heard more people arrive, female exclamations and gasps then running feet.