Rock Chick Regret(37)

I took a sip of mine and my eyes bugged out too.

He was absolutely right.

* * * * *

Several days later, Marcus Sloan walked into Art.

Ralphie was installing a painting at someone’s house so I was, for the first time since The Ricky Incident, alone.

This stunk. I didn’t want to be alone and Ralphie really didn’t want me to be alone but I had to get on with my life eventually so I encouraged him to go.

I was doing okay until Marcus came in.

Being alone was one thing but I didn’t want to be alone with Marcus Sloan.

* * * * *

I knew that I couldn’t lean on Buddy and Ralphie forever. Eventually I had to pick up the threads of my life, find my own place and learn to take care of myself again.

I’d heard nothing from Ricky or any of his crazy brothers. I didn’t press charges because I was my father’s daughter. When you were down and you found an advantage, you didn’t squander it. You waited and used it when the time was right.

Rape was a felony, if found guilty Ricky would go to prison. I knew I could press charges and I knew I’d win. And I had time. There was a statute of limitations but by then I was hoping the Balduccis would have moved onto new prey. In the meantime they knew I could go to the police anytime and cause Ricky, and all the Balduccis, a world of hurt.

I had one card to play and I wasn’t going to play it too soon. If I brought down Ricky, I had three more brothers who could come after me. Right now he was Top Dog. I didn’t need another Balducci dog after me, putting in his bid to make me his prize.

If I kept my card, they all had to sit back and wait for me to play it. In the meantime, they could concentrate on tearing each other apart.

At least, this was what I told myself.

However, telling Ralphie and Buddy about it and talking with Bex was one thing. Facing Ricky Balducci again was another. I wasn’t ready for that.

I knew it made me look like a wimp but I could live with that. I was holding it together, seeing Ricky might make it come flying apart.

I’d put it together once, with the help of Ralphie and Buddy, but I knew I couldn’t do it again.

* * * * *

Marcus walked up to me at the counter and smiled.

“Sadie,” he greeted me softly.

I just stopped myself from putting my hand to the bandage that, at that point, Buddy still put on my face in the mornings to hide the healing cut.

I didn’t need the bandage anymore but I wasn’t ready to go out in public with my scar on display. That would take another few days and another night of lemon drops for Buddy and Ralphie to get me to give up what they called “The Bandage Crutch”.

“Sweetheart, you’re gorgeous. You’ll always be gorgeous. Trust me,” Buddy had said.

It took awhile but I trusted him. People looked but they didn’t say anything and I knew I’d get used to it with enough practice.

Instead, I looked coolly at Marcus Sloan who I’d always thought was handsome. Daisy chose well, Marcus was a colleague of my father’s and I knew he wasn’t clean but I also knew he was nowhere near as dirty as my father.

“Marcus,” I replied.

“You’re…” he hesitated, “well?”

“Never better,” I informed him and I saw his eyes flash in response.

He didn’t hide it and he didn’t let my flippant answer put him off.