Rock Chick Regret(209)

“Yeah. Crazy Sadie. Sweet Sadie. Funny Sadie. And my favorite, the Sadie who just let me f**k her the way I wanted and she got off on it, even more than me.”

Someone, please tell me he did not just say that.

My eyes narrowed.

“I did not get off on it more than you.”

This time he smiled and it was his wicked smile, so, even though I was angry, my belly still melted at the sight.

“You did,” he said.

“I did not,” I retorted.

His hands started moving on me and his mouth came back to mine, not to kiss me but instead he murmured against my lips, “Mamita, don’t you think I can feel you? You’re so wet, you’re slick. You feel like silk. You came hard, you always come hard. I know it, I can feel it. When you do, you get so f**kin’ tight…”

Oh my God!

Even as his words were turning me on (yes, again!), I interrupted him.

“You think a lot of yourself, Hector Chavez,” I snapped, lifting my hands to push at his shoulders, he moved away a few inches but his smile got bigger, whiter and far more glamorous.

“Yeah, and you do too.”

I gasped, outraged.

He bit his lip, watching me then said, “I see I got Attitude Sadie now.” Then his head bent and he nuzzled my neck. “I like her too.”

At his words, for some bizarre reason, ice water flooded my veins and my body froze.

“Don’t make fun of me,” I whispered.

Immediately, his head came up and I noticed his smile had vanished.

He stared at me a second, eyes dark, then he spoke.

“I’m not makin’ fun of you, Sadie. I’m teasin’ you. There’s a big f**kin’ difference.”

I watched him and realized belatedly that his smile had not only vanished, Mr. Mood Swing was getting downright angry.

He kept talking, proving me right.

“Mujer, you’re gonna have to learn, pretty f**kin’ quick, to trust me. I’m not like the people you know, the society bitches, the ass**les your father recruited. You don’t have to shut down. You don’t have to put those f**kin’ shields up. Christ, I want you to be who you are.”

Yes. I was right. He was downright angry.

My heart lurched.

I did it again. I insulted him. Not as badly as last night but not good either.

“Hector –” I started.

“This is your gig, Sadie. I can’t help you. You’re gonna have to figure it out and fast. I’m not walkin’ on eggshells wonderin’ what f**kin’ reaction you’re gonna have to everything I say. I’m gonna say this once so pay attention. I’m not passin’ the time here, enjoyin’ a sweet, hot piece for the f**k of it. If you don’t get it yet, I’ll give it to you. What we got, it means somethin’. Do you understand?”

My heart lurched again but this time it felt nice and that warm, happy glow hit my chest.

“I understand,” I whispered.

“You better f**kin’ understand,” he bit out.