Rock Chick Regret(190)

Mr. Mood Swing looked angry.

And I didn’t know what mujer meant but it didn’t sound as good as, say, preciosa or mi cielo.

“Um…” I replied because I didn’t know what else to say, the Scorching Hector Glare was burning straight into my brain making my mind go blank.

Hector’s eyes sliced to Eddie.

“We’ll be there after Sadie changes.”

Eddie (wisely, in my personal opinion) silently nodded and everyone prepared to leave.

I took Daisy and Jet aside on Hector’s front porch and I whispered to Jet, “What does mujer mean?”

Jet bit her lip before saying, “It means ‘woman’ and it usually isn’t bad but I think Hector’s kind of mad.”

Kind of?

She’d obviously not been seared by The Scorch.

I looked at Eddie, Marcus and Hector who were all standing by Eddie’s shiny, red Dodge Ram and talking.

“Does he think I’m family?” I breathed.

“Oh Sadie, Blanca calls you mi hija and Hector’s a Chavez through and through. They work fast. Even if Hector decided to give you a break and let you out of La Reunión, Blanca would hunt you down, no doubt about it.”

I stared at her.

How did this happen?

“This must be what he meant by not f**king around anymore,” I told them.

“What does that mean?” Daisy asked and, still reeling from all that was happening, I shared Hector and my conversation from the morning before or Hector’s conversation, since I wasn’t allowed to talk (I told them that too).

Daisy and Jet grinned at each other, not like something was funny but like something made them really, really happy.

Then Daisy said, “Sugar, count your lucky stars he gave you a week of f**kin’ around. Now that he’s serious, you’re his. No ifs, ands or buts, just plain ole his. Comprende?”

“But –” I started.

“I say this to all the girls even though they never listen but I’ll say it again, don’t fight it,” Jet cut in.

“But –” I tried again.

Daisy giggled at Jet. “Now we get to the fun stuff.”


Were they plum crazy?

This was not fun!

Before I could say more, they hugged me and left.

Leaving me alone with Angry Hector.

Blooming heck.

His long strides took him from the sidewalk to me in no time at all. He grabbed my hand and dragged me into the house.