Rock Chick Regret(172)

Yes, Seth Townsend’s perfect Ice Princess daughter was tramping around Denver in motorcycle boots.

Replete with square toes and silver hoops connecting straps that went up from the soles and around the ankle.

The boots were aces.

My hair was teased out to uber-volume, all waves and ringlets going up, out and down and my makeup was so beyond heavy, I felt it on my face like it weighed a ton.

And I didn’t care.

I didn’t care that I looked like a bimbo groupie from hell.

Because I loved rock ‘n’ roll!

“I love rock ‘n’ roll!” I shouted at Stella.

“Join the club, sister,” Ally shouted to me, laughing.

“Good Lord,” Shirleen muttered and Daisy giggled.

“Will you teach me to play guitar?” I asked Stella, knowing I was pushing it. She was a big star, well, in Denver anyway, if the crowd was anything to go by. And she had a recording contract. They were going on the road soon to promote their new album.

“Sure,” Stella replied on a smile.

“I’ll pay,” I promised.

Her smile got bigger. “Friends and family discount,” she said then leaned in and whispered, “which means free.”

“Cut your teeth on Guitar Hero, it’s the only way to go,” Annette, who I’d met when the Rock Chicks came to my gallery weeks ago and who also ran a head shop across the street from Fortnum’s, advised.

“Guitar Hero!” Buzz, Stella’s bass guitarist snapped, sounding (and looking) affronted. “Fuck Guitar Hero!”

“Guitar Hero’s the shit,” Annette shot back.

“Guitar Hero’s for pussies,” Buzz returned then looked at me with a smile. “I’ll teach you guitar,” he offered.

“I’ll teach you drums. Drums are where it’s at.” Pong, Stella’s drummer, moved in.

“Fuck the drums, I’ll teach you the sax. You blow a horn, you know cool.” Hugo, Stella’s saxophonist got close.

“Yay!” I shouted and clapped, too excited to turn any of them down.

An arm went around my waist and I found my body moved back several feet from the band. I looked up and saw Eddie had hold of me.

“Maybe you can decide to learn to be a rock star when you aren’t shitfaced,” Eddie suggested, eyes on the band.

“Okay,” I agreed readily even though I’d already decided I was going to be a rock star.

Forget Veronica Mars.

I wanted rock ‘n’ roll!

Eddie’s eyes moved to me, he looked at me a second and I saw him smile, dimple and everything.

“I like your dimple,” I told him.

His eyes flashed then they got all glittery (which was hot!) and, just like his brother, his body started shaking with laughter.

Finally, his eyes moved to Jet.