Rock Chick Regret(164)

“Why are Duke and Tex allowed?” I asked, bending over to pick up YoYo and cuddle her to my chest. This, unfortunately, gave her access to my throat and chin which she licked exuberantly as her little, chubby body wiggled happily in my arms.

Daisy, still ignoring YoYo, answered, “Who knows? Who cares? It just happened. It was organic. But now it’s Rock Chick Law.”

Rock Chick Law?

They had a phone tree and laws?

Blooming heck!

“Can I get a coffee?” Hector asked in an amused voice, the arm he had slung around my shoulders curled and he pulled me and YoYo mostly into the front of his body (this gave YoYo the added target of Hector’s throat, something to which Hector seemed totally oblivious). I looked up at him and his face was blank but his eyes were dancing like he found Daisy hilarious but dared not laugh out loud.

“Can I play with your dog?” Roxie called and my gaze slid to her for a smile before Daisy started speaking again.

“Coffee and leave,” Daisy clipped at Hector then she turned to the couches where all of the Rock Chicks plus Mace (who was sitting on the arm of the couch by Stella, her back turned to him and resting against his thigh), were lounging.

“You too,” Daisy ordered Mace. “Vamoose.”

Mace’s eyebrows went up but other than that he didn’t move a muscle.

“I’m not kidding, Mace. These talks get deep. There’s usually detailed descriptions of Hot Bunch on Rock Chick sexual activity. Do you wanna know how you compare to Hector? I don’t think so,” Daisy went on.

My eyes got huge. Not only because of what she said but because she had an audience. And that audience not only included Indy, Ally, Jet, Roxie, Jules, Ava, Stella and Shirleen but also a bunch of customers I’d never seen before in my life.

Not to mention, she was telling Mace what to do. I knew Daisy was a little bit crazy and over the top, but I suspected that was taking her life in her hands.

“Fucking hell,” Hector muttered over YoYo and my heads, clearly thinking along the same vein.

“You can say that again,” I whispered, staring at Daisy.

He caught my whisper, his eyes scanned my face and his arm gave me (and YoYo) a little squeeze.

Then Hector decided to intervene.

“You’re not talkin’ to Sadie about our sex life,” he told Daisy, my body went tense and Daisy whirled.

Then her eyes narrowed.

Oh no.

That might not have been the right thing to do.

YoYo yapped at Daisy or Hector, I didn’t know which, she was wiggling so much, she could be yapping at a random customer, how would I know?

“Hector –” I started, trying to control YoYo and the flow of conversation.

“I don’t care if you are a badass mother ex-DEA Agent hot guy,” Daisy snapped, interrupting my attempt to smooth over the situation. “You can’t control the Rock Chick Powwow. The Powwow goes where it goes. We just follow.”

“Sadie’s had a rough few weeks,” Hector reminded Daisy.

“You think I don’t know that?” Daisy shot back.

“Whatever the f**k this is, you aren’t gonna f**k with her head. She’s got enough f**king with her head,” Hector warned.

Daisy’s eyes bugged out and her brows went to her hairline.

“We’re not gonna f**k with her head!” Daisy screeched.

“Can we not say ‘fuck’ so loud in front of the customers?” Indy threw in a request.