Rock Chick Regret(16)

Marcus turned and snapped on the light. Twisting back to his wife, he shook his head.

“Is she going to be all right?” Marcus asked.

“I… there’s more,” Indy replied.

Marcus waited and Daisy slid closer.

“What is it?” Marcus prompted.

“She was raped.”

Marcus threw the covers back on the bed and knifed out.

“Where is she?” he snapped.

“Denver Health,” Indy answered.

“We’ll be there in thirty minutes.” He didn’t say good-bye; he put down the phone then walked to the closet.

“Marcus, honey bunch, you’re scarin’ me,” Daisy said from the bed.

“Get up, darling. Get dressed. Sadie Townsend is at Denver Health. She’s been beaten up and raped.”

Daisy’s gasp was sharp and Marcus heard rather than saw her jump from the bed.

That was his wife. She still thought Sadie had shoved a knife in her back and yet she was out of the bed like a shot.

He didn’t look forward to telling her what he was going to have to tell her.

He got dressed, Daisy got dressed and he stood over her while she pulled on her boots.

“I have to tell you something,” he said to her bent head and it snapped up so she was looking at him.

“Tell me later, we have to –”

Marcus shook his head then crouched in front of her. Daisy took a breath at his unusual actions and he knew she was preparing.

“First, you must know I did what I did because Seth Townsend was a dangerous man. I didn’t want you anywhere near him. Not even if near him meant being around Sadie.”

Daisy’s eyes narrowed. “What did you do?”

“It’s what I didn’t do.”

She stood and put her hands on her hips.

Marcus knew this was a very dangerous pose for Daisy to assume.

“Okay then, what didn’t you do?” she asked, looking down her nose at him.

Marcus stood too then pulled his fingers through his hair. “I didn’t tell you about Sadie.”

Daisy jutted out a hip. This was an even more dangerous pose.

“What didn’t you tell me about Sadie?”

He ignored her and continued, “And, I didn’t tell you about Nanette and Monica.”

“Marcus, honey bunches of love –” Daisy said warningly, losing patience when Marcus hesitated.