Rock Chick Regret(132)

My neck arched, my back arched, my h*ps arched, everything arched as supernatural happy feelings shot from my nipple to between my legs.

Hector’s mouth disengaged, he pulled up the camisole, covering me again but pulled down the other side to do the same exact thing.


The squirming became writhing and my hands moved over the skin of his shoulders then I engaged my fingernails (I couldn’t help it, it felt so darn good). My nails scraped up his skin, feeling his muscles tense, up… up… all the way up, straight into his scalp.

At the feel of my fingernails, he groaned against my nipple (that felt good too) and came back over me to kiss me, hotter, harder, deeper. His hands were not light and sweet now but urgent and hungry and all I could think was getting more of him.

My fingers left his hair and my hands pushed between our bodies. I pulled my own drawstring on my bottoms and started to wriggle them down. Hector felt it, rolled off me and, whoosh, my pajama bottoms and panties were gone.

Before I could react to the cold of losing him and most of my clothing, his hands spread my legs, he rolled between them, tagged me behind the knees, lifting them to bent then wrapping my calves over his shoulders and then (no kidding!) his mouth was right there.

No, his mouth, lips and tongue were (no kidding!) right there.

And he knew how to use them.

Blooming heck but it felt good. My fingers slid into his hair to hold him to me as supernatural, extraordinary happy feelings scored a path through what felt like every fiber of my being. They gathered, tightened and I felt it coming.

But in the very, very back of my mind, I knew I didn’t want it that way.

And the very, very back of my mind, for once, didn’t want to be ignored.

“No,” I whispered between moans.

I would have thought he wouldn’t have heard me but immediately Hector’s mouth disappeared. His body came over mine and I felt his heat on me as his weight hit me.

He shoved his face in my neck.

“All right, mamita, we’ll stop,” he muttered there, voice rough.

“No,” I repeated, my hands reaching for the waistband of his pajamas, my head turning so my mouth was at his ear. “I want it to happen with you,” I breathed.

His head came up.

I didn’t look at him, I was busy trying to push down his pajamas (I failed, what could I say, he was taller than me, my arms didn’t reach).


Our eyes locked and at the look in his I knew I really wanted it to happen with him, his gaze was hot, dark and hungry. My stomach pitched at the sight and my body squirmed (but my hands were still trying to find purchase on his pajamas).

Finally, since he seemed frozen where he was, I said perhaps with the eensiest bit of desperation, “Hector please, I want you inside me.”

“Sadie,” he groaned but still, he hesitated.

My mouth went to his and I whispered, “Please.”

Within seconds (I didn’t know how he did it and I didn’t care), he filled me.

Hector “Oh my God” Chavez was deep inside me.

And I’d never felt anything better in my whole f**king life.

Then he started moving.

And that felt even better. In fact, it felt amazing.

“That feels amazing,” I panted in his ear, his head moved and I caught his grin right before he kissed me again.