Rock Chick Redemption(65)

“Tex?” Vance asked.

“Tex is systematical y tearing apart the weight machine in the down room.”

I almost smiled at that. Almost.

Vance started speaking, “Roxie’s been beaten but looks okay, she thinks he cracked her ribs. I’m gonna get her checked out. Then we’l head home.”

I wrapped my arms around my middle and kept my head against the window. I wanted the conversation to end before Bobby got Hank from Lee’s office and he made it to the surveil ance room. I didn’t know how long I had.

“You get Flynn?” Lee asked, breaking into my thoughts.

“No one was there, she was alone and cuffed to the sink in the bathroom. Signs of a struggle. I didn’t ask questions, just got her out.” His eyes moved to me, “That struggle yours?”

I shook my head.

“Someone came and took Bil y, cuffed me to the sink,” I said quietly.

“Hear that?” Vance asked.

“I’l get Ike on it,” Lee said.

I closed my eyes again. So much for not dragging Lee and his boys into this.

“Roxie?” Lee cal ed my name and I sat there and didn’t answer. I knew this was better than being on my wild ride with Bil y, but somehow, right then, it felt worse.

“Roxie,” Lee said again, his voice softer.

“Yes?” I replied, responding to his tone and to Vance’s coaxing squeeze on my knee.

“Talk to Vance, tel him everything that happened.

Everything you can remember. Okay?”

“Okay,” I said.

“Vance, I want regular cal -ins.”

“Roger that,” Vance replied.

“Get her home,” Lee ordered.


I breathed a sigh of relief that I didn’t have to deal with Hank.

“I don’t want to talk about it,” I told Vance after I watched him press a button on the phone.

“You don’t have to,” he said, not looking at me. “Not now.

Nebraska yawns before us. We’ve got time.” I sat there a second and then whispered, “Thank you.” I meant about him rescuing me, not about him letting me be quiet.

I think he knew what I meant.

* * * * *

X-rays showed I had three cracked ribs. There was nothing they could do but wrap me up and I think they did this more for my peace of mind than for my ribs. The cuts on my face would heal, they told me, and didn’t need stitches. They didn’t like what they saw and gently asked if I wanted them to cal in a police officer.

I said no.