Rock Chick Redemption(189)

“That works too.”

“Hank, you have to listen to me –”

“On this subject, no I don’t.”

“Hank –”

“Let’s get you inside, I’ve got to work.”

“We have to talk.”

“We’l talk later.”

“We need to talk now.”

His arms tightened and he pul ed me out of my seat, across his lap and his arm went around my waist as one hand slid into my hair and tilted my head down to look at his face. It was a tight fit and we were super close, his face face. It was a tight fit and we were super close, his face was al I could see.

“When Fortnum’s closes, I’l come and get you. We’l go home, we’l make dinner, we’l make love and afterward you can try and convince me that we’re not gonna work. When that doesn’t happen, I’l convince you we are. Then, we’l probably make love again and then we’l sleep. How does that sound?”

It sounded f**king great.


I was definitely in trouble. In fact I was so in trouble, you could tattoo it on me.

I gave up.


“I’m going to Tod and Stevie’s tonight. Emergency Wedding Summit and then Tod’s helping me with an outfit for Daisy’s party.”

His body started shaking and I realized, belatedly, he was enjoying this. He actual y thought this was fun. My stomach was tied in knots and Hank was entertained.

“How exactly were you thinkin’ you were going to manage to break up with me and then go back to Chicago when you have no car, a car ful of your shit is in my house and you’ve got a more active social life in Denver than I have?” he asked.

“They’re your friends,” I snapped.

“Too late, sweetheart, you can’t scrape them off either.

Although, it would be amusing to watch you try.” Good grief.


Time to cut my losses.

“Don’t you have to get to work?” I asked, sounding uppity.

“Yeah,” he said.

He gave me a light kiss but the look in his eyes told me he’d have liked to have done more.

He slid me back to my seat and I got out and charged ahead. He caught up with me and grabbed my hand.

I sighed.

We walked into Fortnum’s hand in hand and it was packed.

Hank tensed, did a scan of the crowd, relaxed when he decided it was safe, yanked my arm so I fel into him and he kissed me, deep but swift.