Rock Chick Redemption(157)

I thought he’d look at me in disgust, horror or, at the very least, shock. Instead he wrapped his hand around the back of my head, tipped it down and kissed my forehead. Then he let go and looked me in the eyes. “Then I’l show you normal.”

I stopped breathing.

Hank didn’t notice.

He got up and went to his dresser.

“Hate to tel you this Sunshine, but I can’t leave you home so you’re gonna have to walk Shamus with me. Get dressed, we gotta get this done. One of the cases I’m working is heatin’ up and I need to get to the station.” Then he sauntered into the bathroom like he hadn’t just rocked my world.

I stared after him.

I stil wasn’t breathing.

“You have your choice today,” Hank cal ed from the bathroom. “Fortnum’s or Lee’s offices. Both are safe but you can’t leave either.”

Then I heard an electric shaver.

I let go of my breath.

Shamus ambled over and sat down beside the bed and stared at me, tongue lol ing and looking like he was smiling.

I grabbed his head, kissed the top of it and gave him a head rub. He leaned up and licked my cheek.

Hank walked out of the bathroom, stil shaving, and looked at me and Shamus.

“Sunshine,” he said, his voice low with warning, tel ing me to get a move on.

“Al right, al right! I’l get dressed,” I sounded uppity.

I’d think about his complete non-reaction to my dire admission later. I had a decision to make. Crazy Fortnum’s and what might happen there while Lee’s boys were watching or Lee’s offices, meaning Dastardly Dawn, the boring room and Diablo, better known as eight hours of my life sucked away.

I pul ed the sheet with me when I got up and wrapped it around me in a voluminous toga. Then I stomped, with a fair bit of attitude (just to make a point, even though there was no real point to be made), out of the room to the other bathroom.

Shamus fol owed me.

What I didn’t know was, so did Hank’s eyes.

And another thing I didn’t know, he was smiling.

* * * * *

I picked Fortnum’s and I regretted it the minute I walked through the door. “Get over here!” Tex boomed at me.

“Shit,” I muttered.

Hank’s hand slid around my waist and his fingers gripped me reassuringly.

“What?” I snapped at Uncle Tex.

“You know what. People are shootin’ at you. A week ago, you were kidnapped! What’s goin’ on in that f**kin’

head of yours?” Tex shouted.

There were over a dozen people in line, waiting for coffee or sitting in the couches and chairs. Duke was behind the espresso counter, so was Jet. Jane was at the book counter.

They al started to stare.

“It wasn’t my fault!” I returned.