Rock Chick Reckoning(94)

I didn’t say anything.

Eddie kept going. “You women talk. I’m askin’ you not to talk about this.”

“She should know,” I replied.

“She should but when he’s ready to tel her.”

“Eddie –”

He interrupted me, his voice firm, his arm and hand both tensed and I sucked in breath. “No, Jet.” I bit my lip.

Then I nodded.

I wouldn’t tel Stel a.

Unless I had to.

Chapter Ten



“Fuck,” Mace swore under his breath as we drove down the graveled drive next to Swen and Ulrika’s mansion.

I knew why he was cursing. It was four o’clock in the morning and I’d been shot at (again!). Mace had just spent the last hours of his life being held back from murdering the guy who shot at me (this made him unhappy, me relieved) and talking to police. Now, upon arrival home, we both could see Eric standing, his arms crossed on his chest and his feet planted wide, il uminated in the outside light that hung over the side door to the house.

I sighed.


Eric watched our approach and I saw that his hair was even messier than normal, probably from running his fingers through it. Even though the light wasn’t great, you could stil tel he was pissed.

I figured he knew what went down that night.

Effing hel .

This was not a good situation. I knew Mace was not in a chipper mood. He was wired and he was angry and Mace’s brand of angry was pretty effing scary.

I didn’t have the energy to deal with Mace’s scary brand of anger or Eric’s for that matter. I had a lot going on in my head. I hadn’t had a chance to process what happened onstage considering the fact someone nearly shot me (again!). I also hadn’t had the chance to avoid Mace in order to get my head together because I was too busy making cal s to check on the band who, by the way, were al freaked way the hell out but they were breathing which in my crazy-ass life at the moment I took as a boon.

Further, when Mace came to The Castle, I took one look at him and I knew it would be beyond stupid to pour oil on that fire. So when he ordered me (without a greeting, just walked into Daisy’s big room and said it, straight out) to get to the car, instead of mouthing off (which I real y wanted to do), I went to the car.

Now this.

Just in case you forgot, I’l remind you, my luck sucked.

Eric was approaching my side of the Explorer before Mace came to a ful stop. Once the car halted, he yanked my door open, reached in, released my belt and pul ed me out of the cab.

And now this!

As my boots hit the gravel, I started to say something.

What, I did not know but I didn’t get the chance to get anything out.

“Hands off,” Mace growled, rounding the hood of the SUV.

“Fuck you,” Eric replied, clearly and insanely not reading Mace’s scary-unhappy body language.