Rock Chick Reckoning(32)

“Now’s the time to talk about it,” Lee told him.

Mace didn’t speak. He wasn’t big on talking through his feelings.

“She’s tough,” Luke threw in, going direct to the heart of the matter.

Mace’s eyes moved to Luke and he went to the heart of the matter too. “Last night, she got shot and a friend of hers got her brains blown out.”

Al the men in the room were silent. Al the men in the room knew that Mace knew better than anyone what it felt like to have someone you cared about murdered. Not just murdered but their brains splattered by a bul et.

The difference between Stel a and Mace was that Mace had actual y been there to see his sister’s head explode.

“You’re gonna have to stick to her,” Tom advised.

Mace nodded.

“You two solid?” Vance asked.

“I’m workin’ on it,” Mace told Vance.

Vance grinned. “By my count, it takes about two weeks to real y wear ‘em down.”

Mace shook his head in amusement. Vance was referring to his and Lee, Eddie, Hank and Luke’s wild, dangerous and intense courtships with Jules, Indy, Jet, Roxie and Ava.

“I been noticin’ that,” Mace replied.

“We’re agreed here Mace.” Hank cut into the lightening atmosphere. Hank knew Mace and Hank didn’t feel like joking.

Mace’s eyes sliced to Hank. “I’m aware of that.”

“You go maverick, seeking retribution for what they did to Stel a and Lindsey –” Hank went on.

“Going maverick means she’s on the line,” Mace interrupted Hank.

“Yeah,” Hank answered.

“That’s not gonna happen,” Mace finished and everyone could tel he meant every word.

Lee’s voice cut through the tension. “We got three unsecure homes and Vance and Monty haven’t finished with the surveil ance equipment and alarm systems yet. You got a Rock Chick, tonight, you stay at The Castle.” After Lee issued his order, Luke lifted his chin. Hank nodded. Eddie sighed. Vance smiled at his feet. Mace looked down at his boots.

“Get good rest. This isn’t over until the sit down with Sid,” Tom added.

Hector, Ike, Bobby, Darius, Monty and Matt took off.

Bobby and Matt had girlfriends, Monty, a wife and five kids.

Al of them, for some reason, hadn’t been targeted the night before but al , now, were sleeping while being watched by Brody in the control room.

Lee approached Mace.

“You got something else you wanna talk about?” Lee asked.

“Nope,” Mace answered.

“After your sister, this is cutting close to the bone,” Eddie put in, coming up on one side.

“That bone’s exposed; has been for a long time, nothing cuts close to it anymore,” Mace responded.

“It’s different when she gets under your skin.” Hank joined the group. “She’s under your skin, isn’t she?”