Rock Chick Reckoning(232)

And now, so was I.

“I’l take that as your answer.” I heard Mace say and my head snapped up to see he was moving to his boots.

“What’re you doing?” I asked.

He didn’t look at me when he answered, “Leavin’.”

“Why?” His head shot up and I kept talking. “Okay, so, I can’t pretend this doesn’t freak me out, because, erm… it’s freaky and intense but wel … that was then and this is now.

At least I know why you’re so effing moody al the time and why you have such a short fuse. I mean, the whole throwing the phone against the wal gig was freaky too but now I get it and –”

I stopped talking because he switched directions and was walking toward me.

“What’re you doing now?” I asked.

He didn’t answer and right before he made it to me, he dipped his shoulder like the footbal players do when they’re going to make a tackle. It went into my bel y and then I was going up.

“Mace!” I shouted. “What are you doing?”

He stalked (yes, stalked!) toward the bed, did a bump with his shoulder and then I was flying through the air. I landed on my back on the bed with a soft bounce and then Mace was on me.

I pushed against him. “Mace, we aren’t done talking.” His face was in my throat and his hands were tugging at the sheet. “We f**kin’ wel are,” he growled.

“There’s more to say.”

His head came up and he looked at me just as I heard the sheet tear.

“You stil love me?” he asked.

My eyes narrowed. “What kind of question is that?” I snapped.

“Answer it.”

“I wil not, it’s –”

“Answer it! ” he barked and I went stil at the ferocity in his voice.

Then I whispered, “Of course I do.”

“Then we’re done talkin’. I’m gonna f**k you until I’ve erased everything I’ve said. Until the only thing you can think of is my c**k inside you and my hands and mouth on you.

Until I hear that f**kin’ voice of yours tel ing me you love me.

I’m gonna f**k you until I know it’s me you want, despite al this shit, and I don’t care if it takes a f**kin’ week.”

“That’l take, like, two seconds,” I told him and watched as something crossed his face, something that looked a lot like surprise. Then I announced, “Wel ! There it is! Done!

And you didn’t even have to f**k me.”

He stared at me.

“But you can stil f**k me if you want to,” I went on.

He kept staring at me.

“Like now. Fucking me now would be good,” I prompted.

He kept staring at me.