Rock Chick Reckoning(219)

“Maybe I should offer that same advice,” Mace suggested.

Preston stared at Mace then he shook his head. “Her parents wil be out on the street tomorrow.”

“That’l be difficult, considering the mortgage has been made current,” Mace retorted.

Surprise flashed across Preston’s face before he hid it.

Then he tried a different tact and nodded at me. “You can do better.”

“That’s f**kin’ hilarious, you givin’ me advice on women since you threw away two good ones without battin’ a f**kin’ eye,” Mace shot back.

I looked at Shirleen. Shirleen was grinning at Mace.

Then she looked at me and pressed her lips together like Then she looked at me and pressed her lips together like she was trying hard not to laugh.

“We going head-to-head?” Preston asked his son.

“Looks that way,” Mace answered.

“I always win,” Preston told Mace.

“This’l be interestin’ since the same holds true for me,” Mace returned.

“May the best man win!” Shirleen shouted. “New pool!” she went on. “I got fifty bucks on Mace.”

“Don’t think anyone’s gonna bet against you, Shirleen,” Vance put in.

At that, for some reason, Shirleen burst out laughing. I couldn’t help it, the situation was just too freaky and scary, I started laughing right along with her.

The door opened and Lee walked in with, of al people, Smithie.

“Wel , f**k me,” Lee said, looking at George. “Is this a social cal ?”

I felt the tension ebb out of the room as it moved out of Mace and the hostile vibes stopped emanating from Vance.

“Nightingale,” George replied but he was looking pale and his eyes were weirdly on Smithie. It was weird because they were on Smithie without ever actual y focusing on Smithie, then he said, “Mrs. Armstrong, perhaps we should go.”

“But –” pinch-faced lady (or, apparently, Mrs. Armstrong) started to protest but she didn’t finish.

“Is that…?” Smithie was looking closely at George. “It is!

George Riverside. Wel , damn, man. You don’t come George Riverside. Wel , damn, man. You don’t come around much anymore. Where you been, motherfucker?” I stared between George and Smithie as George’s face started getting red.

“Sorry, do I know you?” George asked.

“Sure. It’s been awhile but you used to come to my club al the time.” Smithie leaned toward Mrs. Armstrong. “I own a strip club and Georgie here likes lap dances. Dirty ones.

Pays extra to get a little touch here and there from the girls.

Usual y blondes with big tits. I mean big. ” Smithie put his hands out in front of him and pinch-face lady reared back.

“Now he goes outta town for his action.” Pinch-faced lady turned to stare in horror at George as Smithie kept talking.

“Not far to Wyoming, is it George? Stil , got a friend up there, he says you’re a regular. Damn, ain’t cool to take your business out-of-state. What us local guys gonna do?” Pinch-faced lady stepped away from George and swung her gaze to Shirleen. “I’l cal you Miz Jackson.”

“You do that,” Shirleen replied, settling in her seat at the same time she was sorting through her pencil holder. She yanked out a nail file and leaned back, crossed her legs and started to file her nails.

On that, pinch-faced lady took off.