Rock Chick Reckoning(174)

“There’s more to talk about but we’l do it in the morning.

You’ve had enough for tonight. Yeah?”

I nodded again.

Then I instantly reneged and said in a voice, so low, you could barely hear it, “I know about your sister getting kidnapped and murdered.”

I felt his body go solid.

It was my turn to give Mace a squeeze.

“Please don’t go away, please.” I was stil speaking super softly.

“I’m right here,” he replied.

“You were going to tel me.”

Hesitation then, “Yeah.”

“I’m such a bitch.” My voice was louder now and harsh even to my own ears.


I got up on an elbow and looked at his face. “Did I miss my chance? I don’t want to miss my chance. You said you’re supposed to be there for me but I also have to be there for you,” I explained before whispering, “Please, Mace, give me another chance.”

His hand came to my neck, his thumb sliding along my jaw then up to fol ow the bottom edge of my lower lip.


“Mace –”


“I want to –”

What he said next, or more importantly, admitted, rocked my world.

“I can’t talk about it in the dark, Kitten. It’l f**k with my head al night. It’s gotta be talked about in the light.” I understood that.

Effing hel but I understood that.

I would have never guessed Mace had a weakness but there it was.

And, without hesitation, he gave it to me, a piece of him.

And that piece was the fact that he lived in black too.

And it was right then, I knew I loved him.

And that my luck had final y changed.

And that, come hel or high water, I was going to pul him out of black.

This made me happy but I kept my smile to myself. My head went back to his chest and my body relaxed into his. I felt his relax under mine and listened to his breathing go even.

When I thought he was asleep, that’s when I al owed myself to smile.

Therefore, my body gave a start when he asked, his voice husky. “We final y good?”