Mystery Man(209)

He closed his eyes and shit collided in his brain.

Gwen’s body pressed to his, the silk of her dress under his hand, her smiling lips on his, her mouth tasting of frosting, her laughter sliding down his throat after they’d cut their wedding cake and shared bites. She’d pulled half an inch away and looked into his eyes before assuring him, “Don’t worry, baby, that little piece of cake won’t give you a gut.” After which he yanked her right back and kissed her so hard and so long, their audience started catcalling, hooting and he heard Elvira threaten to throw cold water on them.

Gwen walking out of the bathroom when they were on vacation in Bermuda. The windows open, a breeze blowing the thin curtains in, the sounds of the ocean filling the room. She had her hands behind her back and was wearing a little, sexy nightgown, a smile playing at her mouth. He’d watched her as she’d come to the side of the bed, climbed in and straddled him then whipped her hand around and showed him the white stick with a pink plus sign on it. Then she’d tossed it to the floor, plastered her soft torso to his frozen one, framed his face in her hands and announced through a grin, “If it’s a boy, Maria and I have decided on Asher. If it’s a girl, you get to name her.” When she was done speaking, his arms went around her, he rolled her to her back and kept her occupied for the next two hours so she could say nothing more than moaning her sweet, “Baby.”

Coming home late to see Gwen in Simone’s chair, her legs thrown over the side, her head rolled on the back, Ash cradled safe in her arms, both his boy and his woman asleep and neither had woken when he carried them in turns to their beds.

Gwen, her belly slightly rounded with Bruno (but she was still in spiked heels), wandering The Monstrosity while Hawk, Ash at his hip, and the real estate agent watched. Then she’d walked to him, put her hand to his abs and proclaimed on a complete exaggeration, “This monstrosity is bigger than your lair.” He’d hooked her around the neck, pulled her deep into his body, kissed her hard while Ash banged them both with tiny baby fists and when he lifted his head, he kept her close but looked at the agent and stated, “We’ll take it.”

Watching Gwen cross her legs in his Camaro while she fixed her lip gloss, staring into the mirror on the sun visor and muttering, “I think I love Meredith and Dad’s anniversary more than they do.” To which Hawk had teased, “Because it gives you an excuse to wear expensive shoes?” And Gwen had turned her head, he felt her eyes hitting his face and she’d replied, “No, because it’s also the anniversary of when you told me you love me which was, and even with all the beauty you’ve given me in between, it still is the best day of my life, Cabe ‘Hawk’ Delgado.” And Hawk had had to stop the car so he could kiss her which meant she again had to fix her lip gloss.

He’d lived a nightmare for eight years, closing off the world and refusing to feel anything only to walk up to a goddamned restaurant and through a window see the woman of his dreams wearing a sexy, little black dress and laughing with abandon. Then he’d f**ked around for a year and a half. A year and a half. Every night he left her he told himself he’d never go back and then every night he fought going back until he couldn’t fight it anymore and he had to taste her, touch her, hear her soft, sweet voice whisper “baby”, feel her limbs hold him tight after he made her come, feel her eyes on him while he dressed and struggled with climbing right back into her bed and holding her close until he could see the sun shine on her beautiful face.

He’d had her in his arms and he had no idea he was in her heart and he’d denied she’d touched his for a year and a f**king half.

He’d never get that back and now he knew exactly what he’d been missing and he’d never f**king get that back.

“Mr. Delgado?” he heard and he opened his eyes to turn and see a doctor in scrubs walking into the room.

Everyone but Tracy and Elvira stood. Tracy because she was cradling a sleeping Ash, Elvira because she was doing the same with Bruno.

Hawk didn’t move as he watched Dr. Hunter walk to him and he still didn’t move even when he saw the man’s smile.

“Your wife is fine,” Hunter stated then stopped a foot from Hawk before he finished, “As is your baby girl.”

“A girl?” Hawk heard his mother cry as he heard other noises of relief and joy.

He just stared at Hunter and demanded, “I want to see my wife.”

“Of course,” Hunter nodded. “She’s sleeping,” he went on to warn.

“I want to see my wife,” Hawk repeated.

Hunter nodded again. “Follow me.”

Hawk’s eyes scanned his sleeping sons but didn’t move to anyone else in the room as he followed the doctor.

* * * * *

He saw it the minute her eyes opened.

She looked confused a moment then his hand in hers squeezed and her head turned on the pillow.

“Cabe, baby,” she whispered.

He felt her words like a physical touch.

Then he felt her hand squeeze his and his thumb slipped, brushing across her wedding rings.

He closed his eyes.

Thank Christ. Thank f**king Christ.

Hawk opened his eyes. “We’re namin’ her Genevieve.”

He watched her eyes grow round.

“Genevieve?” she whispered.