Mystery Man(11)

“Babe, I’m f**kin’ you aren’t I?”

This was without question. I didn’t see his face but that didn’t mean he didn’t talk. He was seriously bossy in bed and I’d know that deep voice anywhere.

“Okay,” I started, “perhaps at this juncture we should discuss our relationship.”

“Clue in again, Gwen, the reason our relationship is the way it is, is so I don’t ever have to waste my f**kin’ time doin’ stupid-ass shit like discussing it.”

Oh boy. Now I was getting really angry.

“I think you should step back and then I think you should go,” I told him.

“And I think you should confirm you get me then I’ll go.”

“Fine, I get you, now… go,” I snapped back.

He didn’t move and his black eyes didn’t unlock from mine.

Therefore, I called, “Hello? I get you. Now go.”

Suddenly, his eyes warmed and his thumbs moved from under my jaws to slide over the edges of them.

Then he noted softly, “You’re pissed.”

Was he for real?

“Uh… yeah,” I verified.

“Don’t be pissed,” he ordered.

No, seriously, he couldn’t be for real.

“You can’t tell me not to be pissed.”

“Babe, you think I don’t have better things to do than be here?” he asked.

Oh my God.

Did people’s heads actually explode? Because at that moment I was pretty certain mine was about to.

“Then maybe you should be on your way,” I invited, my voice sharp.

“The point is, I’m here.”

“Well, I hate to break this to you, but you’ve made other visits I’ve enjoyed a whole lot more.”

That was when he grinned and when he did, that was when my heart stopped beating.

Never, not once, not even that first night, did I see him smile and if he was beautiful normally, his face smiling knocked my freaking socks off.

Lordy be, the man had two dimples.


“Do you not get why I’m pissed?” he asked gently through his smile.

“No, I don’t and there’s never a good excuse for being a jerk so, again, please, if you’re so busy, allow me to stop wasting your time and just go.”

“You f**ked up today, Gwen,” he told me.