Motorcycle Man(9)

I stared up at him. Then I thought of the order for car and bike stuff I had no idea how to make. I knew my attempt would probably piss him off and maybe give him reason to fire me. Then I thought of the fact that I’d slept with him, I thought it was something special, something beautiful and it was most definitely not. Then I thought of the fact that he didn’t want me there so why was I so fired up to be there? I didn’t like him, not at all. He was a jerk. The fact that I slept with him mortified me. The idea of dealing with him day in and day out wasn’t something that filled me with delight. Sure, I liked some of the guys in the garage and when they came in, they gabbed like women, but I hadn’t bonded with any of them.

So what on earth was I doing?

“Fine,” I stated and looked back at the computer screen.

“What?” Tack asked.

“Fine,” I repeated to the computer screen then went on to explain to the monitor, “Eloise didn’t have enough time to teach me the ropes. I don’t know what I’m doing. You’re going to figure that out in thirty minutes. You don’t like me. I really don’t like you,” just my eyes slid to him, “so, fine. I’ll finish out the day and then you won’t see me again.”

Tack’s brows went up. “You slap me with attitude twice for this job and then you give in, easy as that?”

“I’m not going to work in a place where I can’t eat donuts,” I informed him, looked back at the computer screen and started tapping away. “You crossed the line with that one. So, yeah, easy as that.”

Then I took another sip of coffee.

“I thought you needed this job,” Tack said.

“I’ll find another job where I can wear my fabulous pink slingbacks without putting up with annoying, unnecessary, scary biker dude hassle.”

“So, you’re sayin’, you get in my face about keeping this job and then you give in ‘cause you can’t wear sex kitten shoes and eat donuts?”

My eyes moved back to him. “Yeah, handsome, that’s what I’m saying.”

He stared at me. I stared back at him. Then his face relaxed and his lips, surrounded by that kickass goatee, curled up into a sexy as all hell grin.

“Jesus, Red, tell me, when you’re such a pain in the ass, why do I seriously wanna f**k you right now?”

It felt like a strong, heavy hand pressed hard on my chest, pushing all the air out of my lungs.

“Don’t be coarse,” I snapped.

His eyebrows went up again. “Coarse?”

“Coarse, vulgar, uncouth… rude,” I explained.

His sexy grin turned into an even sexier smile. “Only way I can be, darlin’, ‘cause all that’s me.”

“Well, good. Another reason for me to quit.”

“You’re not quittin’,” he declared and it was my turn for my eyebrows to go up.


“You’re not quittin’,” he repeated.

That hand at my chest pressed deeper.

“I thought you didn’t want me working here.”

He jerked his chin up. “Changed my mind, babe.”

“You changed your mind?” I asked.

“Yeah, and I changed my mind about your clothes and the donuts too. Bring whatever you want for the boys. Wear whatever you want. Especially those tight skirts that remind me how great your ass feels and those sex kitten shoes that make me want to feel their heels digging in my back.”

Ohmigod! Could he be more of a jerk?

“You can’t talk to me like that,” I informed him bitingly.