Motorcycle Man(83)

“She’s learning,” Tack muttered back and my eyes slid back to him.

“FYI, that’s annoying too.”

His lip twitch turned into a big, white smile surrounded by a sexy, dark goatee.


“FYI, baby, havin’ your attitude back is so far from annoying, it’s not f**kin’ funny.”

And he proved his point by pressing his hard body deeper into me, sliding his hand back into my hair and dropping his eyes to my mouth.

“I think it’s time for me to go home and come to a foregone conclusion,” I whispered as my stomach started to melt when his eyes didn’t leave my mouth.

“Wrong, it’s time for that kiss you’re gonna give me,” he whispered, his face getting closer, his lips a breath away, his eyes lifting to mine and they were again determined but a different way this time.

More pleasant quivers and they were way, way up the scale.

“How about you get that kiss when I come to my conclusion?” I suggested as my heart started beating faster.

“How about, seein’ as that conclusion is inevitable, you kiss me now.”

“Tack –”

“Red, quit f**kin’ around.”

“I’m not f**king around. I have a lot on my mind. I’m not in the mood to make out with a man who may or may not end the day being kind of my boyfriend.”

His head came up and his brows drew together. “Kind of your boyfriend?”

“The conclusion is only foregone to you, handsome,” I lied.

“Babe, I’m not anyone’s boyfriend.”

I blinked again but this was so I wouldn’t flinch.

“What?” I whispered.

“You have a boyfriend when you’re sixteen. You f**k a man casually, you don’t have anything except, if he’s good, a supply of orgasms. You got what we’re building, you got everything. But bottom line, I’ve claimed you. This means you’re my woman which in turn means I’m your man.”


There it went again, my breath.

“You’re my man?” I forced out.

“And you’re my woman,” Tack confirmed.

“We haven’t even been out on a date,” I pointed out.

“Babe, I also don’t date.”

I blinked again but this was so I wouldn’t scowl.


“I don’t date.”

“So I’m your woman and you’re my man after only a couple weeks of arguing, confusion, misunderstandings, game playing and breaking bread a few times, most of them with other people in attendance?”