Motorcycle Man(149)

Then I pulled in a calming breath that didn’t calm me in the slightest, looked at Tabby and said softly, “Try to sleep, honey.”

She was chewing on her lips and just nodded.

I left the room without looking at Rush or Tack.

I didn’t know what he was doing to delay him getting to the room. I just knew when he finally got there I had commandeered my bag from the corner and put it on the bed. My toiletries from the bathroom were already in it and I was pawing through the mess on the floor to locate my stuff.

I heard the door close.

Then I heard, “What the f**k are you doing?”

“I would like,” I began, not looking up and continuing to paw through the clothes on the floor, “when this blows over, for you to allow me some time to visit with Rush and Tabby so I can say good-bye.”

This was met with silence.

I located a pair of shorts, grabbed them, moved to my bag and shoved them in.

As I was doing this, the bag was swept clean out from under my hands and I watched it go sailing across the room where Tack sent it. Then I watched it land.

Then I looked up at him.

“And when I do that,” I went on like he hadn’t acted like the badass, biker jerk he was, “I’ll be doing it just them and me.”

Suddenly, with his hand wrapped around my throat, I was moving backwards across the room. My breath had stopped because my lungs had seized but my heart knew what it was doing, it liked it, so it went into overdrive.

I hit wall, not gently, not hard and Tack didn’t take his hand from my throat so I lifted mine and wrapped them around his wrist just as he dipped his head and got nose-to-nose with me.

Then he shocked the shit out of me.

“Took care ‘a my girl, way you did, I don’t know whether to kiss you or smack your ass.”

I blinked.

That wasn’t what I expected to hear.

“Jesus, f**k me, Tyra. What the f**k were you f**king thinking?”

“Let me go,” I whispered.

“Shy told me, way he went at you, he coulda caved your f**kin’ head in.”

“Let me go,” I repeated on a whisper.

“What were you thinking?” Tack kind of repeated.

I yanked at his hand at my throat which, from the minute he placed it there to now was holding me but it was just like how I hit the wall. Not gentle. Not hard.

What it was, was immovable.

“Let me go,” I said yet again.

The dragon breathed fire and roared in my face, “What were you f**kin’ thinking?”

“Quiet!” I hissed. “Tabby. Rush.”

“Don’t worry about Tab and Rush, babe. Advice, right now, you worry about you. What the f**k were you thinking?”

“Let me go!” I snapped, still yanking at his hand.