Motorcycle Man(127)


I looked at my shampoo bottle.

Then I said, “My shampoo bottle is bright orange.”

“Say again?”

“My shampoo bottle is bright orange.”

“Right. And you’re tellin’ me this because…?” he trailed off.

“Because I’ve been using this brand of shampoo for years and I never really noticed what color the bottle was. Not once.” I drew in breath. “Until you.”

Silence then a soft, very sweet, “Darlin’.”

“See you at five, honey.”

Again sweet, “Five, babe.”



We disconnected.

I reached and grabbed a bottle of conditioner.

Same style bottle as the shampoo but it was beige.

It was the lettering that was bright orange.

Chapter Twenty-One

Cool Whip

“Bye!” I shouted, standing outside Tack’s front door, Tack behind me, his arm tight around my chest and I was waving away Dog and Sheila, the last of Chaos to leave our impromptu Friday night party at Tack’s place.

Sheila, who I loved and who was on the back of Dog’s bike, shifted to lift her arm to wave back.

“Later!” I yelled as they made their way down Tack’s lane.

It was three weeks since I told Tack, drunk and turned on, that he colored my world and then confirmed it, hungover and with my wits about me, while standing in Ulta holding a shampoo bottle.

Three great weeks.

I didn’t screw up at work (much).

No one had been kidnapped.

Naomi had been laying low.

Lanie and Elliott were somewhere Tack assured me was safe and we still had our secure phones so I could talk to her.

After I sent my e-mail to Aunt Bette giving her the news that Tack and I worked it out, neither she nor Uncle Marsh lost their minds.

And Kane “Tack” Allen had proved he could handle me with care which further proved he was absolutely, without a doubt, my dream man.

Now it was now. I was at Tack’s. Tab and Rush were out, Tabby at a party and she was spending the night with a girlfriend. Rush was on a date which was a double feature at the drive-in and he wouldn’t be home until late.