Motorcycle Man(119)


“With, uh… me?”

“Seein’ as I’ve made it clear we’re buildin’ somethin’ here then the answer to that is, yeah. Not gonna go out and find another bitch and make babies with her when you’re in my bed.”

I lifted my hands to his chest and slid them down to his flat abs while I leaned into him and whispered, “Seriously?”

“Seriously, babe. What the f**k?”

“I really want kids, Tack, I always have and I was worried you wouldn’t want to do it all over again.”

His hands slid down and around so he was holding me while he stated, “Wasn’t hard the first time.”

I pressed closer to him, my hands sliding around his waist to wrap around his back as I said, “You’d know more than me but still. You’re a guy who lives wild and free. Your kids are almost grown so, when they finish growing and move on, you can be wilder and freer.”

“Baby,” he whispered, giving me a squeeze, “kids are not a ball and chain. There is no greater joy than creating a life, watching it grow and, while it does, helping it thrive. Didn’t feel stuck when God gave me Tabby and Rush. Kids are a big part of the ride of life. Not to mention one of the best parts of that ride. With the right woman, I’d be all over doin’ it again.”




That was so beautiful.

“Tack,” I said softly.

“How many you want?”

“Two, maybe three.”

“Figure I could do that,” he muttered.

My arms grew tighter around him, I pressed close and whispered, “Honey.”

His arms grew tighter around me and he asked, “We done with this talk about everything?”

“Yes,” I answered.

“You good?” he asked.

Oh yes. I was good.

I nodded but added another soft, “Yes.”

His hands slid down over my ass and he ordered, “Then hop up, baby. Time to f**k.”

My skin erupted in goose bumps and I hopped up as his fingers dug into my ass and helped by pulling me up. I wrapped my legs around his hips, my arms around his shoulders and I dropped my head, my mouth aiming for his. I hit the target, one of his hands slid up my bare back to my neck and up into my hair, holding my head to his as his tongue spiked into my mouth and he started walking.

Before I knew it, my back hit bed and the heavy warmth of Tack’s body hit mine.

I instantly planted my spike-heel shod foot in the bed and rolled him to his back, me on top where I adjusted so I was straddling him.

“Baby,” he whispered.

“I get to play.”

He was silent a moment before he muttered, “Won’t argue with that.”