Lucky Stars(87)

“When?” Gram shot back.

“Soon,” Belle told her.

“Jeez, Mom, take a chill pill. I think it’s sweet,” Mom recklessly informed them, ignored Gram’s eyes nearly popping out of her head and turned to Yasmin adding chattily, “I like the kissing picture best. In the car. But the one where Jack and Belle are talking and he’s got his hands on her face is nice too.”

“Rachel Leonora Abbot!” Gram shouted.

“What?” Mom asked.

“Have you lost your mind?” Gram yelled.

“Quit yelling at the breakfast table. I haven’t lost my mind.” Then Mom turned to Jack and she smiled. “Looks like you’re a good kisser.” Belle’s breath caught in her throat mainly because her heart had lodged there and Mom, not done, turned to Belle. “That’s lucky for you, honeypot.”

“Oh my goodness gracious,” Belle breathed in horror.

“I think the stress and strain your grandmother is talking about, poppet, begins and ends at the breakfast table,” Jack murmured dryly and Belle’s eyes flew to him.

He was gazing at her with an expression on his face that said he didn’t know whether to laugh or yell and Belle couldn’t have helped it if she tried (which she didn’t), she burst into uncontrollable giggles.

When she stopped giggling, she wiped her eyes and saw Jack watching her, a look on his face so tender it was nearly raw. She felt her entire system shut down as she stared back with what she knew was unconcealed wonder.

“Jack, you get top prize for the day,” Mom butted into their very public moment. “Bellerina doesn’t giggle much so when she does, it’s a gift.” Belle turned her head to look at her mother and saw Rachel had a look on her face that was tender too and it was directed at Jack. “Thank you,” she said softly to finish.

It appeared then that Jack and Rachel were having a moment but it was the look on Gram’s face that caught Belle’s attention.

She was looking pleased with herself.

It was then Belle knew Gram was working a scheme. She just didn’t know what it was and she also didn’t like it. Her grandmother’s schemes were always harebrained and half-witted and, when they bumbled clumsily to fruition, usually heralded the time for them to move to a new town.

Belle didn’t have time to question her grandmother. It was time for Jack to take her to work.

Which he did.

And the media frenzy was reaching its zenith, Belle knew this by experience.

There were more of them when they surrounded Jack’s car thus Jack did not leave her in the shop.

He took her there, let her in, left her there (locking up behind him) and went to get her a decaf caramel latte (after he asked her preference). He brought back her coffee and one for him. Then he sat on the sales counter, sipping his coffee while she prepared to open. When she opened the store, he got off the counter and mingled and chatted (more like charmed) her many, many, many customers like this was not only his job but his calling.

Not to mention Belinda, her twenty-year old, starry-eyed shop assistant who Belle was certain was going to throw herself bodily at Jack’s feet and declare her undying love for him when he told them at lunchtime he was going to go out and buy them a sandwich.

When the door closed on Jack as he went to get their lunch, Belinda stared at it but asked Belle, “Can I have his baby too?”

“No,” Belle answered instantly.

“I wouldn’t share either, luvie,” a woman stated, standing across the store and staring at the door as well.

It was then, out the windows of her shop, that Belle saw the man.

He had dark brown hair, a rugged but handsome face and a tall, muscled body.

He was watching her through the windows and, normally, this would give her the creeps but there was something kindly in his expression that didn’t alarm Belle in the slightest.

After he’d caught her attention, he gave her a small smile, turned and walked away, giving her the impression it was just a chance moment of eye contact.

She put him out of her mind and got on with her day.

Jack had spent the day in St. Ives in her shop or with her when she was in her workshop, alternately talking on his phone or talking to Belinda and her customers, and then he took her home.