Lucky Stars(66)

“Belle,” Jack said in warning.

“Why can’t you just leave me up here?” she asked, her eyes moving to his ear.

“Because we have to talk and we can’t do it up here.”

“I’m okay to talk up here,” Belle replied instantly, latching onto an excuse to remain in the loft.

“I’m not,” Jack returned.

She tilted her head and asked, “Why?

He’d seen her tilt her head before.


Both times it had been lying on his pillow.

He controlled his need to clench his teeth at the memory and instead replied, “I don’t have time to explain. I have things to do and I’d like to have our chat and then do them.”

“Okay, what do you want to talk about?” she invited.

“Not here.”

“I don’t under –”

Jack’s patience, already wearing thin, snapped and he strode across the loft to her. She had only the chance to back up two steps before he bent at the waist and put a shoulder to her hips.

She let out a small cry but he ignored it, lifted her on his shoulder and walked back across the loft as he felt her arms wrap tightly around his waist from the back.

“What are you –?” she started to ask but her words halted as her body stilled when he turned and executed a one-armed descent of the ladder, Belle over his shoulder, his other arm wrapped firmly around her thighs.

By the time his feet hit the stable floor, her arms were so tight around him they were causing pain, her body was stiff as a board and she was completely silent except for very heavy breathing.

He walked from the ladder, bent again and set her on her feet.

When he straightened, stepped away from her and took one look at her face, it was his turn to go still.

Her fear was so stark, she actually looked in pain. So much in pain, she completely ignored Baron and Gretl who were both clamouring around her legs for attention.

Then her expression changed, the pain didn’t go away, in fact, it got worse.

Far worse.

“I can’t believe you just did that,” she whispered, sounding like she’d just witnessed him hacking away at a body with an axe.

“I climbed down a ladder, Belle, you were safe the entire time,” he told her.

She looked away, seemingly trying to compose herself.

And failing.

She pulled her hair from her face with a shaky hand and muttered, “I thought… I’d hoped…” She dropped her hand, her eyes came directly to his with no evasion and she declared, “It’s true.”

He ignored the unease he felt at her reaction and stated, “Belle, I don’t have time for this. Say what’s on your mind so I can explain why I need to speak with you and then get on with my day.”

She stared at him a moment as if she’d never seen him before then he watched her squeeze her eyes shut and turn her face away.

She took in a deep breath and her gaze came back to his face. This time, she focussed on his nose.