Lucky Stars(57)

“If you don’t feel safe here then I’ll move in with you at your home.”

At these words, Belle’s body locked and her gaze jerked from his nose to his eyes.

“You can’t move in with me,” she breathed.

“Why not?” he enquired.

“Because I own a two bedroom cottage. With Mom and Gram there, I have a full house. Mom’s already sleeping on the couch. There’s nowhere for you to sleep.”

“I’ll sleep with you.”

Belle felt her lips part and her eyes went wide as shock reverberated through her system.

“You are mad,” she said on a barely there whisper.

“I’ll do what I have to do to be close to this child,” he replied on a not at all barely there decree.

“I’ll move to The Point,” she blurted, then thought better of it immediately and was about to take it back but he saw his advantage and he was a heck of a lot quicker.

He pushed in closer, so close her head had to tilt back but she was against the door. She felt the wood against her head and had to move toward him to give it room to move so she could look up at him. She felt his chest brushing her br**sts and even his h*ps brushing her belly.

Her mind blanked of everything but his nearness which suffused her senses.

“So, we’re agreed, you’re moving in,” he declared, his voice low and rumbly.

She blinked, trying to catch a thought and stall for time so she murmured, “James –”

“We’re agreed,” he pressed ruthlessly, dipping his head further so his face was an inch away and all she could see were his beautiful eyes.

“Yes,” she whispered.

“You won’t renege?” he demanded.


“Make that a promise, Belle,” he ordered and she blinked again.


“Promise me, right here, you’ll move in and you won’t renege.”

Belatedly she realised her heart was hammering in her chest and she was finding it difficult to breathe.

Something about this cleared her mind and she was able to focus.

Therefore, with some effort, she plucked up the courage to negotiate.

“I’ll promise you I’ll move in if you promise never to fight for custody. We’ll determine arrangements that will be best for the baby, just you and I, without dragging him or her through that kind of mess.”

“Agreed,” he said instantly.

At this, she relaxed which was a mistake because it pressed her body closer to the heat and hardness of his.

She tensed again and looked at his ear. “Move back.”

She felt him hesitate then he did as he was asked.

The moment he did, Belle turned to the door and put her hand on the knob but she stopped and was forced to look at him again when he spoke.