Lucky Stars(35)

She had a loving family even if she didn’t see her Dad very much and her Mom and Gram were a little nuts. She’d had an interesting childhood, seen many places, met nice people. She had a small cadre of good friends she cared about deeply. She owned her own business and did something she loved. She had a gorgeous cottage that was cosy, inviting, safe and very close to the sea, the sea being something that always made her feel happy and at peace.

Only once in her life had her stars turned. That was when she met, fell in love with and married Calvin.

But now, somehow she knew, with Jack those stars shone brighter than ever before. She also knew in her heart even after only one night that what she and Jack had was good, it was natural and it was right.

It could even be destiny or, at least, that was what her Mom would call it.

And she was ready to throw caution to the wind in order to have it, to hold it and keep it forever.

She was so caught in these happy thoughts she almost missed the murmuring voices as she made to turn from the wing Jack’s room was in to the one where hers was located.

She stopped just in time, took several steps back, away from the voices, hiding herself, and she plastered her back against the wall.

“… seen Belle?” Belle heard the final words of the question uttered quietly by Joy.

“No,” Yasmin answered. “She disappeared shortly after Jack.”

Belle bit her lip with concern that they were talking about her and she was eavesdropping which was beyond rude as Joy mumbled, “Oh dear.”

“Oh dear is right. Miles is livid. He was looking for her all night,” Yasmin went on.

Belle’s stomach pitched and she wondered if she could get back to Jack’s room without them noticing but before she could make a decision, Joy started talking.

“I know. He must have asked me if I’d seen her a dozen times,” Joy told Yasmin.

Belle wasn’t surprised about that (though she was worried).

“He asked me too,” Yasmin replied.

Belle wasn’t surprised about that either.

“Do you think she just went to her room? She looked very uncomfortable. I don’t think she’s a party person,” Joy commented wisely.

“She didn’t go to her room,” Yasmin answered and Belle held her breath in an effort not to gasp.

“How do you know?” Joy asked the question in Belle’s head.

“Because Miles told me some of the staff saw her and Jack walking through the kitchens and out the backdoor,” Yasmin answered and in an effort not to suffocate herself, Belle forced her breath out silently and took another short, silent (yet fearful), intake of lifesaving oxygen.

Miles knew she was with Jack.

So did Yasmin.

And now Joy.

This was not good.

“Oh dear,” Joy repeated but this time she sounded worried.

“When I see Jack, I’m going to wring his neck. He should know better,” Yasmin declared fiercely and Belle thought this was odd. So odd she forgot about how rude it was to eavesdrop and she leaned closer to the corner.

“You’re right, darling, he should,” Joy muttered.

“It’s worse than you think,” Yasmin said in a soft voice and Belle inched even closer to the corner so she could hear better.

“I don’t think I want to know,” Joy replied and she sounded like she didn’t want to know. In fact, she sounded like she really didn’t want to know.

Even so, Yasmin told her and what she said made the floor lurch crazily under Belle’s bare feet.