Lucky Stars(233)

And luckily, unlike Cassandra who was sporting what looked like six on three different places on her body including head, neck and hips, Lorna only had one scarf.

The female twin was more than slightly attractive. She was petite and rounded, much like Belle, but with masses of thick, curling red hair, delicate features and bright blue eyes.

Her brother was surprisingly tall, towering at least six inches over his sister. His ginger hair was cropped short, the waves contained though longish and curling around his neck. He had a short clipped, red beard, craggy, dominant features with a high, strong brow all of this making him appear older than his twin.

But they shared the same startling blue eyes.

It took Lachlan McPherson approximately half a second to lock eyes on Belle and a half a second longer to grin a wolfish grin at her.

“Oh my,” Belle repeated even more breathily.

“Jesus,” Jack muttered and felt Belle start at his side.

Angus, not one to miss much, one of the few things Jack respected about him, didn’t miss this.

Therefore, he clapped his nephew on the shoulder and boomed proudly, “He’s a McPherson!”

This made Lorna roll her eyes and murmur, “Someone kill me.”

Lachlan, his gaze still locked on Belle, noted, “You’re prettier than your pictures.”

“Thank you,” Belle replied softly.

“By quite a bit,” Lachlan went on.

“Um… thank you,” Belle repeated, dipping her chin and looking under her lashes at him.

Lachlan’s wolfish grin turned predatory.

“Jesus,” Jack repeated, again on a mutter.

“Uh, Lach, just to remind you, the man standing right there has a soul that’s eternally bound to the woman at his side,” Lorna informed her brother then she finished bluntly, “There’s no way in hell you’re getting in there, mate.”

Her brother swung his head her way and tipped it down to catch her eyes.

“I know that,” he replied. “Doesn’t make her any less pretty.”

Lorna looked to Cassandra and shared, “He breathes therefore he flirts. This is my lot in life. Can you imagine being connected to him through blood and profession and having to put up with this constantly?”

“I can imagine being connected to him but not through blood,” Cassandra returned, eyeing Lachlan appreciatively, her words getting his attention and he turned his roguish grin her way.

Lorna sought another ally, found Jack and requested, “Please, kill me.”

“I’d rather you tell me what your purpose is for being here,” Jack retorted, not in a good mood and none of this making his mood any better.

“They’ve got the gift,” Angus boomed and Jack looked at the older Scot.

“Pardon?” he asked.

“The gift!” Angus boomed again without any further explanation.

“As I don’t share Cassandra’s reported powers of clairvoyance, you’ll have to explain,” Jack pushed with rapidly waning patience.

Lachlan threw himself in a chair and slouched back with his arms on the armrests. He then placed his ankle on opposite knee and reported, “We were on a job, it got hairy or we would have been here sooner.”

“It was in France,” Lorna added. “French ghosts…” she gave a delicate shiver, “not fun. Especially if they’ve been beheaded. That revolution of theirs left some seriously pissed off phantoms and all of them are a pain in the arse.”

“Holy heck,” Belle breathed.