Lucky Stars(213)

She hesitated and whispered, “Thank you.” Then she went on quietly, “I called Dr. Flanagan and made an appointment. As you know because of… well, everything… that I’m not and haven’t been on birth control for a while. I think maybe we should, um… since we’ve started again, you know, yesterday and, um, last night and, uh… again this morning, maybe… we should see to that. I don’t want to –”

“Excellent, my love,” Jack whispered back. “When we’re ready to try again, we’ll plan it.”

“Okay,” she replied, her voice again soft and in it was also the wistful.

But a better kind.

“Do you want me to go with you to see Dr. Flanagan?” he offered.

“If you have time. If you don’t, Mom or Gram will come with me.”

“We’ll talk about it tonight.”

“Okay, Jack.”

“In the meantime, we’ll take other precautions.”

“That sounds fun,” she muttered and he grinned because she sounded like she didn’t think it sounded fun at all.

“How about we make it fun, my love?” he suggested and his body reacted to her breathy one syllable response.


He took in a deep breath to control his reaction at the same time he struggled to control all his myriad thoughts as to how they would make it fun then unfortunately he had to change the subject.

“The man I’m meeting is here. I have to go.”

“Okay,” she repeated then whispered, “See you soon. Love you, Jack.”

His body responded again to her last three words. Words she’d whispered to him for the first time last night. Words that affected him deeply then.

Words that affected him no less deeply now.

“And I you, poppet,” his reply was low and vibrating. “See you soon.”

“’Bye, Jack.”

“Soon, Belle.”

He heard her disconnect and he touched the button on his mobile. Then he dropped it to his desk, leaned forward and touched a button on the phone on his desk which would buzz on Gillie’s phone indicating that he was ready for his visitor.

Seconds later, the door opened and Olive walked in, escorting a rather good-looking man with dark brown hair and the bulky, honed body of a prize fighter.

Jack had taken some time that day to do an internet search on Mickey Dempsey. Without the time to give it the attention it needed, it was by no means thorough. Nevertheless, the articles Dempsey chose to write, most especially the exposés, painted a vivid picture of the man, his interests and his principles.

Jack held Dempsey’s eyes as he walked in and without invitation sat in one of the two chairs angled opposite his desk. Only when Dempsey was seated in an insouciant lounge that was meant to communicate to Jack that Dempsey was not afraid of him, his money or his power, did Jack look to Olive.

“I’d like you to stay.”

Olive nodded and sat in the chair next to Dempsey.

Dempsey watched her do it and cut his gaze back to Jack.

Then he opened.

“As you can guess because I’m here at your unexpected request, I’m intrigued.”

Jack wanted to be home with Belle, if not for whatever he faced being served at her father’s hand for dinner. Therefore he did not delay.