Lucky Stars(178)

Speaking against her lips, he stated his preference, “As much as I like the idea of having the taste of you in my mouth while your mouth is wrapped around my cock, I might get distracted and not hear those sweet, sexy noises you make. So, if you don’t mind, I’d rather make you come when I can concentrate and listen to you and you can return the favour later.”

Her eyes grew wide then they went languid.

Watching it, Jack realised that yes, thank God, he was definitely getting somewhere.

“You’ve never spoken to me like that,” she murmured, the fingers of one hand curling around his neck, her body had grown soft but it was moving restlessly under his.

Oh yes, definitely getting somewhere.

“No,” he replied and touched her mouth in a brief kiss, “I haven’t.”

He didn’t have to ask if she liked it, he knew from her response she did.

“Jack –” she whispered, the hand at his neck moved, her fingers gliding in his hair, her actions belying her next words. “I’m not ready for this.”

He touched her lips in another brief kiss before he said, “All right, my love, I’ll be sure to spend a lot of time getting you ready.”

“Holy heck,” she breathed but her fingers put pressure against his head, her head lifted and she touched her mouth against his.

When she did, he growled his triumph into her already opened mouth, slanted his head and slid his tongue inside.

She immediately emitted one of her sexy, little noises and his already hard c**k jerked at the sound.

Then Baron and Gretl moved, their tags jangling and they both barked.

This was right before they heard a banging at the door.

Jack’s head came up and twisted as the banging continued, loud and unabated.

“What the f**k?” he muttered.

Belle’s body had grown tense underneath him and feeling it, Jack decided he was going to wring the neck of whoever was at the door.

“Would a reporter bang on the door like that?” Belle whispered, her voice filled with anxiety.

“No,” Jack answered as the banging stopped then, within seconds, continued and he stifled a frustrated growl.

“Mom and Gram wouldn’t bang like that,” Belle told him as, with regret, he moved away from her warm body and their warm bed.

“No, they wouldn’t,” Jack replied though he figured they would but not on Sunday.

He exited the bed and Baron and Gretl started circling to the bedroom door and back to Jack.

He heard Belle’s movement, looked back and saw her sitting up and throwing the covers back.

Jack stopped in his progress to the door and ordered, “Don’t move.”

Belle halted her legs in mid-swing and asked, “What?”

“Don’t leave that bed.”

“But –”


She stared at him a moment then her legs settled and she whispered, “Okay.”

“I won’t be a minute,” Jack told her and watched her nod.