Lucky Stars(166)

He was on her mind and then he called.

She couldn’t shake how weird that was.

Or how wonderful.

She slid her finger across the screen and put the phone to her ear.

“Hi,” she said softly.

She could hear the smile in his voice when he replied, “Belle.”

“You okay?” she asked, swinging her legs over the side of the bed.

She heard dog tags jangling as both Baron and Gretl moved forward for pets.

Belle didn’t disappoint, holding the phone to her ear with her shoulder, she pet them both at the same time which was how they preferred it.

“Yes, poppet. I called to let you know I’m taking off in fifteen minutes. I finished earlier than I thought.”

Belle felt a rush of happiness.

Which was quickly followed by a rush of anxiety.

“Um…” she paused before saying weakly, “Jack.”

He was silent then his tone was cautious when he asked, “What is it?”

“Well…” she began, not knowing how to have her “word” but kind of happy that she was having it on the phone where she didn’t have to watch him blow his stack in person (and before her mother could ask about the car).

“Belle.” His voice was no longer cautious, it held a warning.

“We met Cassandra and Angus today.”

There was more silence, a sigh then, “Angus?”

“The McPherson.”

Jack’s tone was now filled with humour when he asked, “His name is Angus McPherson?”

Belle again thought Jack found the weirdest things funny.

“Yes. Why?”

Jack replied through chuckling, “That’s very Scottish.”

“You don’t know the half of it,” Belle muttered.


“Nothing,” Belle said quickly, “Um… I have to tell you something.”

Again with the silence then he said softly, “Anything, my love.”

She felt her belly melt, her heart melt and her mind registered that head over heels love business when she heard his tone and his words.

Both of which made her anxiety fade clean away.

Therefore she told him, “Angus and Cassandra are staying at the castle.”