Lucky Stars(124)

At Jack, who, she noted with irritation, was stubborn.

And a bit of a know-it-all.

Therefore, she asked tartly, “Okay, since they don’t exist then you won’t mind me doing… whatever… to help them on their way.”

Jack was silent a moment then he replied, “Knock yourself out, love.”

Belle smiled but Jack’s arms gave her a small shake.

“Just as long as you or your mother, who I’m assuming gave you this idea and is in on it with you, or your grandmother, who also disappeared after dinner, or Mum and Yasmin, who, if they get wind of this will want to join in, don’t put yourselves in danger.”

“We won’t put ourselves in danger,” Belle assured him, still smiling.

“I want you leading the pack,” Jack demanded. “I shudder to think what your mother would have up her sleeve.”

“Don’t worry, Jack. Mom will listen to me,” Belle kind of lied.

She might get her mother to listen to her.

She also might not.

Jack was silent another moment before he muttered, “I get the feeling I’m going to regret this.”

“Everything will be just fine,” Belle promised cheerfully.

Jack’s hand lifted and his fingers tangled in her hair.

“Can we go to bed now?” he asked, his voice dipped low and sexy and Belle’s belly did a flip.

Bed, with Jack, would be good.

Although bed, with Jack, could also be a place where things could get even more complicated.

Belle’s heart and soul were already ready for that.

Belle’s mind, however, wasn’t quite there yet.

Therefore she requested, “Can we watch the storm a while?”

Without hesitation, something else that helped convince her mind, just not entirely, Jack shifted her so her back was no longer to the window but she was facing it.

Then he lifted his knees and she fell between them.

His arms resumed their place around her, her torso twisted, she wound her arms around Jack, placed her cheek to his chest, her lower body curled between his legs and Belle lay in the protective shell of his large frame.

Thus, they watched the storm.

The thunder had long since died, as had the lightning but the rain slammed against the panes.

Belle relaxed in Jack’s arms and, there, she fell asleep.

* * * * *

Lewis and Myrtle

Myrtle stood invisible in the corner of the room as her beloved Jack lifted her newly beloved Belle and carried her to bed, Jack’s dogs jumping up to follow close at his heels.

Jack rested her in bed, carefully took off her dressing gown then pulled off his shirt and Myrtle blushed but she didn’t move.