Law Man(183)

“Yo!” Elvira called. “We goin’ or can I order another cocktail?”

Hawk’s gaze sliced to her and I bit my lip.

Elvira raised her brows. Hawk shook his head.

Then he started walking.

Without a word, the girl gang teetered behind him and Gwen.

We were ten feet from the door when my purse rang. In my inebriated state, I slowed and clumsily pulled my phone out of my purse. I slowed more when I saw on the display it said, “Mitch calling.”

I took the call and put my phone to my ear.

“Hey honey,” I answered.

“Hey sweetheart,” he replied and I got a heart flutter, br**sts swelling, legs tingling and ni**les hardening all at once. “Done here. I’ll swing by Club and get you.”

I shook my head and put my hand to the door that had swung closed behind LaTanya.

“Hawk just showed. I’m walking out the door now,” I pushed it opened, stopping and looking out into the parking lot to locate the others and I saw they were well ahead of me. I started to hasten my step as I walked out the door and went on, “And I’m walking to his truck all by myself.”

Mitch’s voice was trembling with laughter when he asked, “You’re what?”

“I’m walking…”

I trailed off and stopped walking when I heard the screeching of tires close. My head turned to see a car coming into the parking lot at high speed. This shocked me but it also alarmed me because it appeared it was coming right at me. Vaguely, I heard the roar of motorcycles, not one but several. But this didn’t register because seeing that car racing toward me, I didn’t think of anything but getting out of the way.

So I got out of the way, drunk and running on high heels which, by the way, was not easy.

The car came to a screeching halt while curving and cutting me off so I had to stop too as I heard Hawk’s voice shout, “Mara! This way. Run!”

One of the doors to the car opened, a man came out, he was big and scarier than Hawk but not in a good way and I pivoted on my foot and started running toward Hawk.

Another car was coming in at high speed from the other direction. It cut me off from Hawk who was running toward me and I awkwardly had to take last minute evasive maneuvers. My ankle turned, I wobbled and I threw both my arms out to stop myself from going down. My heart was racing, my adrenalin pumping and my mind was blank of anything but surprise and fear.

Then suddenly from out of nowhere there were motorcycles everywhere.


Shooting through the two cars, all through the parking lot and, as I continued to stagger, one shot right toward me.

Before I could avoid it, I was hooked at the waist by something strong and solid and couldn’t hold back my, “Oof!”

Then my ass was planted in front of the rider.

“Hold on,” a gravelly voice ordered.

“I –”

“Hold the f**k on!” the gravelly voice barked.

Even as we kept cruising, I turned to face him, my arms sliding around his middle. His arm around me went back to the bike handle and he must have given it some gas because we shot out of the parking lot.

Oh God.

What was happening?

“What’s happening?” I asked.