Law Man(140)


Despair surged through me, washing out my after great sex with Mitch glow and I heard the toilet flush as I rolled, reached and tagged my nightie off the floor. I was sitting up and struggling with pulling it on when I felt the bed move because Mitch was climbing in it.

Oh God.

I had my back to him and was pulling my nightie down to my waist when his arm hooked around that waist and I was going backwards.

I collided with the hard wall of his chest, his mouth went to my ear and he fell to the side, taking me with him while saying, “Waste of time, sweetheart. I got the day off, Penny’s takin’ the kids to school. We have until we pick them up to have fun and we’re gonna take that time to have fun and, as cute as that nightie is, it no longer factors.” We’d hit the mattress and pillows and his other arm curved around me, his teeth nipped my shoulder gently before his face went back into my neck and he finished, “Though, I’ll let you have oatmeal to keep up your stamina but if you have to eat it wearin’ somethin’, you wear my shirt.”

Belly whoosh.

“Mitch –”

“Also, you gotta know, we’re eatin’ it in bed.”

Belly whoosh part two!



He slid away, rolled me to my back and then slid right back in, smiling down at me.

God, he was beautiful.

“What?” he asked.

“I’m not easy,” I declared, his smile faded a little and he blinked.

Then he repeated, “What?”

“I’m not easy,” I also repeated. “I know it seems that way since we had our first date last night and we, uh…did it just now but I’m not easy. I’ve had two lovers. The first, we dated for three months before, um…you know…and with Destry, since the other guy was kind of, um…a jerk, we dated for four and a half. I don’t know what happened with us but you need to know, I’m not easy.”

Mitch was up on a forearm and his other arm was across me, hand resting on the bed and he didn’t move nor did his eyes move from me even after I stopped talking.

So I kept talking and to show I was sincere, I lifted a hand, placed it on his chest and got up on the other elbow before I whispered, “I need you to know that.”

He said nothing and didn’t move.

“It’s important you know that,” I kept going.

Not a move, not a noise. His eyes were on me and he looked like he was thinking. About what, I had no clue since he was doing it without speaking but whatever it was, it was important.

But so was what I was saying so my hand slid up to his neck and my fingers curled around and, still whispering, I semi-repeated, “It’s important.”

Finally, he spoke and when he did it was to say, “Sweetheart, shut up.”

I blinked.

Then I asked, “What?”

“Shut up.”

“Shut up?”


I felt my brows draw together. “I’m telling you something important to me and you’re telling me to shut up?”