Lady Luck(86)

Or, saving time and energy, take her to the couch.

Instead, he asked, “You gave me that, baby, what you want me to do with it?”

She looked to the coffeemaker and muttered loudly, “I’ll leave that up to you.”


He knew what he wanted to do with it. He also knew how he wanted to do it. He also knew he was going to do what he wanted to do.

But that was not for now. What he wanted to do would take time.

And control.

He didn’t have any of the last left. And they had plants to buy.

So he drew breath in through his nose and walked up the stairs.

Chapter Nine

Lady Luck Was Feeling Generous

I walked down the stairs behind Ty wondering what I’d been wondering the last twenty minutes while he took a shower, shaved and donned another black tee, faded jeans and boots.

Was I crazy?

Was I stupid?

Was I both?

Or was Lady Luck feeling generous for once and if I f**ked this up, I’d piss her off?

We hit the utility room and Ty opened the door to the garage, stood clear of it but kept his hand on it, his long arm extended, keeping it open, he wanted me to precede him.

I did, took two steps into the garage, my mind cluttered then it uncluttered when what was hitting my eyes filtered to my brain. I stopped dead and stared.

This was because, parked across from my Charger, there was a kickass, badass, sleek, shiny, beautiful, oh my God black Dodge Viper sporting two, narrow, silver racing stripes up the hood and over the roof. Vaguely, it occurred to me it had to be there the other night when I’d taken off in a huff but that was how upset I was. I didn’t see it.

Now I was seeing it.

Ty moved around me muttering, “We’ll take the Snake.”

My head jerked to him as he headed to the driver’s side like he was walking up to a sedan.

Then my eyes drifted back to the car and, upon seeing it again, I felt a tickle between my legs.

Obviously, I enjoyed this tickle a bit too long because I heard Ty call, “Lex, what the f**k?” and my eyes went back to him.

He was standing in the open driver’s door. He looked hot standing in the open driver’s door of a Viper. He looked hot all the time but he looked smokin’ hot standing in the open driver’s door of a Dodge f**king Viper.

“Where did this car come from?” I forced out.

“Max brought it back to me the other day,” he answered. “He was keepin’ it in his barn while I was gone.”

“It’s yours?” I whispered.

“Yeah,” he replied.

“It’s yours,” I repeated.