Lady Luck(81)

She was at his side.

And she was no longer amused.

“You’re right. There’s nothing funny about a police officer showing up on Sunday morning on the doorstep of a man who did his time and is trying to get on with his life, simply, it would seem, to harass and threaten him. That isn’t funny.”

“Lex,” Walker whispered, sliding an arm around her shoulders and pulling her into his side.

She didn’t take his warning. She kept throwing sass.

“And, by the way, the good citizens of Carnal threw a huge-ass welcome home party for Ty when he got back. They know he’s here and they’re happy he’s home. So, I don’t think you have to worry too much about the good citizens of Carnal. I expect they don’t need your kind of favors.”


“Lexie, shut it,” he growled and her head shot back so she could look up at him.

“Well, it’s my Sunday too and Sunday’s are good days and he’s ruining it. It’s still morning! He’s ruining it right off the bat,” she snapped.


“It’s true.”

“Yeah, babe, but get a handle on it. You stop yappin’, he’ll be gone and we can get on with what we were doin’.”

Color hit her cheeks, her mouth formed the letter and said the word, “Oh,” softly then she shut it and looked to Rowdy.

So did Walker. “We done?”

Rowdy scowled at him. “I think you get me.”

“You’re not talkin’ in code though you think you are. I get you.”

Rowdy continued to scowl at him. Then he scowled at Lexie. Then he stomped to the steps.

Walker shut the door and locked it.

Lexie pulled out from his under his arm, took three steps back as he turned and the minute his eyes hit hers, she whispered, “Got a wife who knows your every move?”

He didn’t answer that. Instead he crossed his arms on his chest and advised, “Promised none of my shit would blow back on you. I can deliver on that but I see you gotta help me do it and the way you can help me is not gettin’ in these motherfuckers’ faces and settin’ yourself up as a target. News, Lexie, no man likes a woman laughin’ at him. More news, that man’s an ugly f**k who’d thank his lucky stars he dips his wick in skank pu**y, he’ll like it even less when the woman laughin’ at him looks like you.”

She ignored that and repeated, “Got a wife who knows your every move?”

Walker remained silent.

She stared at him.

Then she said, “He’s dirty.”

Walker didn’t reply.

Lexie kept going by guessing wrong, “He’s the one who lost to you at poker.”

Walker still didn’t speak.

Lexie did. “You’re paying fifty grand for an alibi.”

Yep. He was right. She caught it.

He again didn’t speak.