Lady Luck(32)

Then his head turned to the TV.

I got off the bed and went to the champagne.

* * * * *


Walker’s eyes moved from the TV to Lexie.

She was curled on her side facing him, hands under her cheek, knees tucked nearly to her middle, still wearing her classy but sexy pink dress but she’d finally taken off the classy but sexy shoes. Her eyes were closed. She was out.

He studied her thinking she was probably the only woman he’d ever known in his vast experience of women who could pull off classy and sexy while being married by Liberace.

Actually, truth of it was, she was the only woman he’d ever known who could pull off classy and sexy at all.

Then he studied her thinking that Ronnie Rodriguez was one serious dumb f**k and this was not evidenced by the fact that he lost the sweet life God saw fit to grant him through providing him with immense talent on a basketball court. But instead, it was evidenced by the fact that the classy, sexy pu**y lying asleep at his side in a king-size bed in Vegas was lying asleep at his side in a king-size bed in Vegas and not curled into a living, breathing Ronnie Rodriguez who didn’t spend every ounce of energy earning the privilege of having the classy, sexy pu**y right then lying asleep at Ty Walker’s side.

On that thought, he moved off the bed, went to the table and grabbed the tray on which Lexie had stacked their used dishes. While walking to the door, something caught his attention, his head turned; he looked into the bathroom and stopped.

Her bouquet was in the sink resting in a couple inches of water.

Seeing it, he balanced the tray on one hand, felt his back pocket, finding the keycard still there, he walked out the door. He set the tray on the floor by the door and scanned the hall. Then he walked down it. At the end, he looked right and saw it on a narrow table between the elevators. He went to the vase with the fake flowers on top of the table, yanked out the flowers, put them on the table and walked back to their room, putting out the do not disturb sign.

In the bathroom, he pulled the bouquet out of the sink, let out the water, used a glass to fill the vase and then shoved the stems in it.

Then he walked out of the bathroom, around the bed and set the flowers on her nightstand.

Then he undressed and didn’t blast the AC like he wanted to considering she was not covered. Then he slid between the sheets and turned out the light.

Chapter Four

Total Goof. Total Cute.


The next morning, Walker slid the keycard into the slot, waited for the green light, slid it out and walked into their hotel room. He hit the bedroom area and saw the maids had been through, bed made, vacuum marks on the floor.

No Lexie. But a note on his pillow. The maids likely made the bed and placed it back where Lexie put it.

He tossed the sweaty towel he was carrying on the bed, walked backwards, opened up the closet, crouched to the safe, opened it and scanned it.

All good.

He closed it and walked back into the bedroom to the note.

He picked it up and read it.


At the pool. If I don’t return by nightfall, it’s your marital duty to rescue me. If it goes that late, this means I’ve passed out on a lounge chair in Vegas in summer so my advice is to stock up on aloe vera before you launch the rescue effort.


Walker stared at the note thinking that Alexa Berry…

Strike that.

Alexa Walker was f**king funny.