Lacybourne Manor(74)

“Who?” Marian asked again, thinking she knew who but uncertain.

Sibyl started and seemed to come back to the room. She blinked at Marian and gave her a feeble smile.

“I’m sorry. It’s Colin. You should know Colin and I are together now,” Sibyl hesitated, then finished. “Well, sort of.”

Marian smiled encouragingly. “I guessed that when I saw you two the other night but, how do you mean, ‘sort of’?”

Sibyl shook her head and gently changed the subject. “And I’m dreaming about him, all the time, nearly every night. Except he’s blond and he’s…” She paused then stated, “This is going to sound stupid.”

But at her words, Marian’s heart skipped a joyous beat.

What did she mean, he was blond? Was she dreaming of Royce?

Dear goddess, was Sibyl Godwin clairvoyant?

“Go on, nothing’s stupid. You can tell me anything,” Marian urged, her voice betraying her excitement (she couldn’t help it, it was exciting).

Sibyl shuddered and then forged ahead. “It’s like he’s from another time. I’m there too, always. We’re wearing old clothes… not old as in age, a different style, clothes from a different time period, a long, long time ago. But the dreams are so vivid, so clear they almost seem real.” Sibyl turned to Marian. “Marian, I know you’re going to think this sounds a million kinds of crazy, but they don’t seem like dreams at all,” she leaned forward, her eyes intense but confused, “they seem like memories.”

Marian’s mouth parted in surprise.

She was a clairvoyant.


Sibyl, clearly oblivious to Marian’s elation, kept speaking.

“He makes me call him Royce in the dreams and he refers to me as Beatrice. And I get this very bad feeling that although they’re beautiful together, their story is not a happy one. I know that sounds even more stupid, considering they’re only in my mind, but I just get this sense, you know? Just like Colin and I will not end well.”

Marian closed her eyes to hide her joy, her heart skittered again and, when she opened them, she smiled reassuringly at the younger woman.

“You’re falling in love with Colin, aren’t you?” she said sagely.

“No!” Sibyl exclaimed instantly and strangely somewhat desperately.

Her forceful cry made Marian rear back.

Sibyl, being the sweet girl she was, noticed Marian’s reaction and immediately apologised. “I’m sorry Marian, but no, I’m not falling in love with Colin. I can’t,” she announced firmly.

This was not good news, nor was it what Marian expected to hear.

“Why on earth can’t you?” Marian’s voice had just the slightest edge and it, too, was desperate.

“He’s not the one. I’m supposed to…” She stopped talking, closed her eyes tight, and, when she opened them, she continued, “All my life I knew there was one perfect man out there for me. A man like Royce is to Beatrice. My match. I have a space in my heart that only this person fits into.” She bit her lip, her expression pained before she finished, “And it’s not Colin.”

Marian’s heart felt light at this news. It was all too right.

“How do you know it’s not Colin?” Marian asked, trying to appear calm.

“Trust me,” Sibyl answered, her voice sounding awful, “I know.”

Marian’s mind whirled with what to say.

This was all perfect, dreaming of the doomed lovers (without even knowing they existed!), living her life yearning for the special man that fits in her heart. It was perfect, beautiful, sublime.

Marian wished she could tell Sibyl about the legend, she itched to tell her. But she’d promised Colin. She had a tentative hold on his trust already; she certainly shouldn’t fall at the first hurdle. Marian could see in her crystal ball that things were still not quite right with the pair. Although, she could never hear the words they said, there was just something wrong.

Marian believed, though, that true love would find a way.