Lacybourne Manor(224)

“Are we safe now?” she whispered.

“Yes,” he answered so definitively she believed him and she finally felt the tenseness flow from her body. “Until you get us into another disaster by taking Parliament to task for their defence spending and becoming public enemy number one,” he noted in a mock-beleaguered tone.

Despite all that had happened, she felt a giggle rise up her throat and let it loose as she looked up at his handsome face.

“I love you,” she told him, her voice strong with emotion, tears coming back to her eyes.

He looked down on her and his face shifted and she would understand that shift when he vowed in a low, even, fierce tone, “After tonight, I swear to God, you’re never going to have a reason to cry or be frightened again.”

“I’ll take it from that comment that you love me back.” She grinned shakily at him.

He bent his head and brushed his lips against hers.

Then he said softly against her mouth, “Yes, darling, I love you back.”

This feeling shined in his eyes and he looked at her as if she was the sun and the moon, as if the world revolved around her, as if she was his entire universe.

She settled against him again, far more contentedly, and they sat there for some time before she whispered so quietly, her words barely made a noise, “Mallory was a good dog.”

“Mallory was a walking, barking calamity,” Colin returned but the fondness in his tone caused Sibyl no distress. “There will never be another Mallory,” he finished gently.

She nodded her head against his shoulder in agreement and infinite sadness.

There came a soft knock on the door and Colin called his permission for entry.

Mags, Marian and Phoebe walked in, their faces carrying identical expressions of concern.

Marian was also carrying a book.

“It’s all sorted, darling,” Phoebe murmured, her eyes avoiding Sibyl’s and looking directly at Colin.

She felt rather than saw him lift his chin to acknowledge his mother’s words.

“Everyone’s away. They all say their good-byes and they’ll talk to you later, Sibyl,” Marian informed her.

Sibyl smiled weakly at her friend.

Mags came to her daughter and sat heavily down beside her, making both Colin and Sibyl’s bodies lift momentarily.

“What a night,” she noted in an understatement and then her body slid sideways, leaning against Sibyl with her head on Sibyl’s shoulder.

“You okay Mom?” Sibyl asked, handing her glass with a grateful look to Phoebe as she put her arm around Mags just as Colin had his arm around her.

“If you’re okay, I’m okay,” Mags replied then went on. “I don’t think I’m going to tell Bertie about this though. He’ll have a coronary.”

“Good idea,” Phoebe agreed. “I’m not telling Mike either or Claire and Tony for that matter. Tony wouldn’t begin to believe me but Claire will be furious she missed it.” She walked to the drinks cabinet, asking for the other women’s orders.

They all settled into chairs, Mags coming upright as Phoebe gave her a drink. Colin handed Sibyl his and ordered her to finish it. Not having enough strength to defy him, she did as she was told.

Sibyl sat with her family and friend, stroked her cat and sipped her whisky. They all seemed content to be together but alone with their thoughts.

After awhile, Colin broke the silence and called, “Marian.”

The older woman started. “Yes, Colin, dear?”

Sibyl peered up at his gorgeous face, wondering at his thoughts and saw his jaw clench and that familiar muscle dance there.

Then he enquired, “What happened tonight?”