Lacybourne Manor(150)

Sibyl walked right up to Colin and gave him a brief kiss.

“Hi,” she breathed, her eyes warm with happiness and he completely lost himself in them.

“Hi,” he returned.

“You’re early and I’m running late.” With her attention on him, Sibyl lost hold on her cat and Bran took his opportunity at escape and jumped away. Then she leaned further into him and Colin’s left hand glided around her waist while his right hand cupped her jaw. “I’ve got to finish getting ready.”

He ran his thumb along her cheekbone, dipping it to slide along her lower lip, watching its progress with fascination the entire time.

Then he lifted his eyes from her mouth to her gaze and he whispered, “I’ll wait.”

Regardless of what she said, she didn’t move and they stood there, pressed against each other next to her father’s dining room table as Scarlett and Bertie watched with contented glances and Mallory settled to the floor with an exaggerated dog groan.

And in their sweet, close huddle, staring into each other’s eyes, no one in the room could know that the two lovers were about to enter a battle for their lives.

Chapter Twenty-One

The Talent Show

Marian Byrne paid her one pound and entered the Community Centre for the Talent Show.

The huge Hall was packed, music was playing and the hum of conversation was friendly and welcoming.

The minute Marian entered the Hall, she saw the dim, golden aura that glowed in the air and its presence so startled her, her eyes flew searchingly about the enormous room.

She found Colin easily; he was head and shoulders above most people in the room. Definitely head and shoulders above the elderly lady standing beside him, holding his hand in a grip so strong, it looked like she was attempting to leech the youth, power and vitality out of the handsome man.

And when Marian saw him, she saw Colin’s golden aura was not as dim as the one that glittered in the air for it shown around him with nearly blinding clarity.

Marian smiled contentedly to herself and approached him as she thought with unsuppressed glee, Nearly there.

She was waylaid by the Godwins who were standing in line for tea.

“Mrs. Byrne! What a pleasure. I didn’t know you were coming tonight,” Marguerite Godwin greeted and kissed Marian’s cheek.

“I wouldn’t miss it for the world,” Marian informed the delightful woman she found (not surprisingly) she liked very much and accepted greetings from Albert and Scarlett.

Then Marian noted, eyes sliding to the tall man, “I see Colin has an admirer.”

“Ah yes, she latched onto him the minute we arrived and hasn’t left his side,” Marguerite explained while Albert placed their tea orders, thoughtfully adding one for Marian.

“How are… things?” Marian asked even though she didn’t need to after her glance at Colin. She turned her attention to him again and saw him dip his head politely to listen to whatever the older lady was telling him.

He was relaxed and at ease, seeming in his element casually wearing his expensive suit and standing in the decrepit, old Hall. Colin Morgan seemed to own every space he occupied, she knew, but since Marian met him, he’d always been coiled as tight as a spring. Now he seemed content.

“Things are brilliant,” Mags enthused, putting Marian’s thoughts into words, adding. “Sibyl’s around somewhere but she’s crazy busy.”

It was then, as if on cue, Sibyl entered the Hall through sliding doors at the side. Wearing a wraparound, red dress that hugged her generous curves, a pair of open-toed, black high heels, her hair pulled back in a clip at the nape of her neck, she approached Colin.

Her aura was different, astoundingly so. It was golden but shot with white hot sparks some of which glittered nearly blue.

Marian felt the world come closer together.

Sibyl Godwin was in love.

Deeply, truly, completely in love.

She reached Colin and the intensity of her aura, although it seemed impossible, deepened. Marian thought it could almost singe a person if they came too close.