Fairytale Come Alive(4)

Even when they were arguing, which happened often. Elle could be annoyingly if adorably stubborn.

“Don’t you see?” Elle asked. “This was a lark. Annie and me –”

Prentice’s body jerked. “Don’t you f**king tell me Annie and Dougal –”

Her best friend Annie had hooked up with his best friend Dougal the same night he and Elle met. They’d been just as inseparable and had fallen just as deeply in love.

Quickly, she shook her head in a frantic way that was far more Elle than anything he’d encountered that morning and he watched panic flash through her eyes before she hid it.

“No, no… Annie and Dougal are something else,” she said swiftly and firmly.

“But you and I are a lark?” Prentice asked, his voice ugly and dangerous in a way it had never sounded before and it surprised even him.

“Well… yes,” she replied then continued. “I took it too far. Got caught up in it. I’m so sorry, Prentice.”

She rarely called him Prentice and he didn’t like it, especially not now.

She called him Pren. She was the only one in his life that did so and he liked it when she did.

And furthermore, she didn’t look sorry.

She didn’t look anything.

She didn’t look even a little bit like the girl who tore into town with her crazy antics, her abandoned laughter, her outgoing, fun-loving American cheerfulness, stealing his, and everyone’s, hearts.

She looked like a girl he wouldn’t glance at twice.

And she acted like a girl he’d detest.

He couldn’t believe he’d been so deceived.

“We need to talk,” he repeated.

“There’s nothing to talk about,” she replied.

He got close and she stood her ground. He tipped his chin down and stared in her eyes.

They were cold.

“Something’s happened.”

“Yes, my father arrived and gave me a wakeup call,” she threw her hands out to her sides. “This isn’t my life. I wouldn’t be happy here. Honestly, Prentice, the idea is ridiculous. I don’t know what I was thinking.”

Prentice felt like shaking her.

He also felt like picking her up and carrying her away from Fergus McFadden’s posh house and Elle’s despicable father and doing everything in his power to bring back his Elle.

He didn’t do either.

“I don’t know what he said to you –” Prentice started.

She interrupted, “He gave me a few home truths.”

“And they were?”

“It doesn’t matter.”

Prentice lost control of his temper and shouted, “It f**king well does!”